Summary:Rather bored, Loki decides to see what fun Darcy likes to get up to. Thus is born Vi! Log Info:Storyteller: None |
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Loki is more than a little annoyed. "Miss Lewis, could you come in here please?" He's looking at his schedule. "I thought I said no murder attempts before ten AM, you /clearly/ have me scheduled for a murder attempt on me at 9:30, in Russia for the day after tomorrow, I mean..what the Hel?"
Ooh, someone forgot to take his non-surly meds, he's in Cranky God mode!
At Loki's call, Darcy pushed up and made her way into his office. Her lips smirk.
"It's a meeting, not a murder. Even if you're going to want to murder, you can't. He's a foreign digintary, and someone important."
Loki peers closer, and then nods. "Oh, right, I was projecting again." The Lord of Lies smiles then, shedding ill mood like ducks shed water. "So…tonight's schedule has been dealt with, I'm for knocking off. Any plans, Miss Lewis?" He leans forward then. "Tell me, what would you do for fun had you your druthers?"
"A little bit, yes," Darcy says, grinning. She juts a hip at lips pursing.
"Well, normally go to the roller rink and slam into other hot chicks."
Loki considers, and then stands up, shifts down and is suddenly VERY definitely a hot chick!
Busty, hair shaven on one side, and shoulder blade length on the other. Candy apple red with purple highlights of course. Her eyes are violet, her skin fair, and she's tattooed - essentially a Maori tattoo shirt.
"Would this fit in?" Loki asks with a smirk curving full lips. She's DEFINITELY rather on the hot side, and dressed in a mini-skirt, fishnets, and a half-tee with a skull and crossbones painted on it by hand.
Darcy smiles ashe watches Loki shift into a girl. Her own green eyes skim over Loki's feminine form, and she licks her lips.
"ROh, hell yes."
Loki ponders a moment, then adds about twenty bangles to one wrist, a spiked leather band to the other, ankle boots with four inch heels, and some strategic tears to the stockings. Also…fingerless leather gloves. "THERE we go." Loki-ette smiles. "So…now I just need a name, how about Vi?"
Darcy's lips purse, enjoying how Loki plays with the clothes and the form of this derby girl. Thoughtful, Darcy considers Loki, head tilting to one side.
"Vi O'Lent?" she offers, because puns!
"Vi O'Lent?" She laughs, her voice roughened a bit as Loki tweaks it to give her a hint of 'smoker' to it, also, a small, old break in her nose is added so the perfection of the rest is highlighted by the slight bend. "Either that or Vi Agro." She agrees readily and then cracks her knuckles. "Oh, I /did/ cheat a bit, I am Asgardian, I mean, not as good as /Jotun/, but still tough."
Content with the new form, Vi-Loki claims one of Darcy's arms. "Now, I have never roller derbied. I take it that killing is frowned on, maybe even discouraged…what about broken bones, and the like…" And the two girls head out into the night, in search of mayhem.
Arm in arm, Darcy had lead the Lady of Lies out into the night… after asking for a stop in her room to change out of work-shit and into derby gear. Taking a car, Darcy shows ViLoki the gear and equipment, telling her that she's right killing is frowned upon and so are broken bones. This isn't Renegade Derby, after all. Darcy does like being able to walk out of the rink at the end of hte night. So, no. The type of Derby Darcy plays is physical yes and touch yes but it's not overly violent and no one is really out to hurt anyone else. It's a sport, like football and hockey, and really sportsmanship is key since it's hard to derby alone.
Plus, those renegade bitches are just fucking crazy.
Arriving at the rink, Darcy puts the car in park and levels a quirked brow ViLoki's way.
"Have you ever skated before?"
Vi Liesmith clearly is a smidge disappointed at all the restrictions, but, she soldiers on, after all - there's more possibilities after the competition for fun if people aren't injured. So, she shifts her views from 'Asgardian' norm to 'Darcy's Rules' — she stays Asgardian though! In truth she's non-warrior Asgardian grade, just 'baseline', still tough, awfully so, but not even close to a Sif or a Sigyn.
Vi is /into/ crazy, sometimes.
"Well, I've skated with blades many many times, and a few times with the wheels, been a while, however. Decade or three." A shrug. "I'll remember pretty fast, trust me."
She bat-bat-bats super long lashes. "You DO trust me, right?" Oh man, that grin - PURE deviltry!
"Well, I'm sure it'll come back to you. Something like falling off a bilgesnipe," Darcy quips of how long it's been since Vi last skated. Her eyes slide down to Vi's chest. Her lips purse thoughtfully and then slid eback up to Vi's face.
"Unless you were skating as a hot-ass chick, you'll probably find your center of balance a bit different, so be ready for that. Also, are you magicking up gear or are we needing to stop at Academy?"
Now, as for trusting Vi, Darcy quirks a brow and smirks.
"Yes. Yes, I do. About as far as I could throw a skyscrapper. A real one. Not a toy one. But, I still love ya and I know that you're not going to go all rar-smash on my girls unless one of them does something stupid as fuck, in which case, she was asking for it."
"Oh, I've practiced all sorts of activities in all manner of forms, my center of gravity won't be a problem." Noting Darcy's rather direct checking out of her chest Vi laughs softly, and nods. "Too much though? I mean, had I less muscle these would be a right pain, and I'll need to bind them pretty close too." She does look thoughtful. "Though…you're right, I didn't skate as a 'hot ass chick' before, not with this much going on, I admit I went a bit over the top." Yes, smirking Vi proves that was fully intentional.
A pause to consider. "I'll just magic something up, I suppose. Easier that way, though - if you'd enjoy the shopping, we could do that too. There's lots of trouble to be had out shopping."
She just laughs at the comment on trust, and she nods. "GOOD! Then you ARE worth the three gold a week I pay you, trusting me is /right/ out, most of the time. Trust the role I play, Darcy. The craft is important to me."
"Too much?" Darcy repeats, giving Vi a disbelieving look before she points at her own endowments.
"Have you looked at my chest lately?" is asked before Darcy cackles and rolls her eyes at Vi.
"God. You and Sif, I swear to Zombie Jesus! You're both impossible," Darcy laments, throwing hte car back into reverse and backing out from the rink. It's not a practice day. It's an open skate day, so she knows she's not missing anything in this sudden change in plans.
"We're going shopping. You need gear and a goddamn bra. Bidning your chests. What the fuck is WRONG with you people?!" Clearly, the Right Bra is IMPORTANT to the Darcy. Important enough to derail whatever plans Loki had for rink side mischief.
"And no mischief in the bra store. I mean it. You want me to trust you in teh roll of a derby chick? You're sure as fuck going to wear the right fucking bra."
"Frequently, actually. You have a lovely chest, Darcy." Loki-Vi says with a broad smile, and a throaty laugh when she does. "I mean…I /could/ go bigger, I suppose but that just leads to diminishing returns, even Asgardian tissue density has limits." She grins hugely and yes, is not at all shy about looking.
"Goddesses, actually." She corects with another laugh. "And what's the point of limiting oneself to the merely possible? Not very goddessish."
She laughs. "Oh goody." Yes, she's thrilled. "Tell you what, for the inconvenience we'll get you whatever you like as well, on my dime. Fair?"
She sulks prettily, the lip quiver /epic/, and then nods. "Done. And if things go really well after I'll be out of the right fucking bra."
"Thank you," Darcy says of the complement to her chest; her tone prime and proper and fucking proud as fuck. If Vi's not shy about looking, Darcy's not shy about being looked at. Of course, she rolls her eyes when Loki gender corrects her. She wasn't TALKING about them when she said God. She was talking …at?… the Judean-Chri- You know what? Not important. Moving right along.
"I meant that she wrapped her chest up in fucking ace bandages for her first time on the rink. Because 'that is sufficient for training'," Darcy grumbles, imitating Sif badly, mockingly, annoyedly.
"Oh, I was totally putting your gear on the expense account, Boss," Darcy laughs, but knowing that she has permission so she doesn't have to roll her shoulders about asking forgiveness is a bonus. "But sure. Fair."
Darcy laughs at the epic lip quiver, rolling her eyes lightly but accepting Loki's promise of being a Good Girl For Now. #GGFN She shakes her head lightly, smirking. "You gonna ask Sigyn to help peel it off you? What are her colors? Given that I helped her find underthings in your colors, I think it only fair we try to return the favor."
"I appreciate beauty when I see it, Darcy." She settled back, a lazy slouch that is indolent and sexy as hell. And of course Loki knows perfectly well what Darcy meant, but — she's a brat, so there you go, smart aleck comment is smart aleckish!
"Ace bandage, yes, that was just what I was considering, it would immobilize quite well, also, I like the Aesthetic - could be 'raw', or would it just look stupid? I'm not so familiar with skater girls."
Vi laughs at the bad imitation. "I can teach you better than /that/." She huffs a bit, but still smiling. As they travel along she summons a bit of fire, and sort of plays with it, cat's cradle meet modern art — IN FIRE.
"Sif has a lovely chest too, a lovely everything, in truth." The implied familiarity might be interesting.
A huge grin at the laughter. "Sigyn's colors? I have no idea, she has worn mine for so long I don't think she has any of her own. So I suppose more in my colors, but no, I meant we might find some fun diversions with your friends, unless you're monogamous with your beau. One thing about Sigyn and I, we're very open, we've both taken many lovers, sometimes shared them though she's very careful with males." A firm nod. "She likes you a lot too, so you'd be welcome any time with either or both of us." Vi isn't being lewd, either, that's just…facts.
«OOC> To be continued…>