Summary:An early morning in the Wayne household brings different kinds of news. Log Info:Storyteller: None |
Related LogsTheme SongNone |
The news may have gotten out slowly last night and into the morning. Selina had been drawn into a trap by Taskmaster, and if it hadn't been for the timely arrival of Domino and Batman, she would currently be in the possession of the person that put out a substansial bounty upon Catwoman. Bruce had gone out on his own shortly after - probably seeking whoever it was that had put out the bounty.
But morning eventually came, and Bruce is sitting in what was once the smoking room, turned into the billards room. A large pool table has a space in the room, along with the television, currently on the morning news, a small wet-bar that is well stocked, a dart board, and a few other odds and ends. Sitting on the plush couch, Bruce is watching the news, a steaming cup of coffee nearby as he's dressed in his pajamas and a robe.
Normally Helena isn't home during the week. She's bunked down at SHIELD academy, convincing everyone that she doesn't think any exceptions are going to be made for her. She doesn't, really. Though she does make a few exceptions for herself every now and then. Like, for example, the last few nights. Her location has been transmitted to the Batcave for the sake of safety, but she's otherwise been incommunicado. Normally, that means there's something she's trying to avoid.
The problem is, she avoided it so hard that after coming home from her own solo patrol, she passed out in an armchair in the billiards room with a book in her lap - something about SHIELD policies and procedures. Hard enough that she didn't stir when Bruce came in, or when the TV came one, or even at the first whiff of coffee. It's only when she tries to turn over in her sleep and the slides off of her lap to the floor with a hollow thump that she jumps, eyes opening without really seeing.
"You know you have your own room, sunshine." Bruce offers to Helena, watching her as she blinks owlishly and knows that her mind isn't exactly awake yet. "The coffee service was brought in a few minutes ago. I didn't want to disturb." So he could have gone to any other room. But he chose here. Hence, yes, he did mean to interrupt her.
"What has you home?" he finally decides to broach. Because she was home even before the Talia mess started.
Helena scrubs a hand over her face, letting out a slow breath as she assures herself that at least there isn't a fight going on. She winces as she straightens up - just because she's young doesn't mean sleeping in a chair is great for her either. "I was out late," she answers, leaning down to pick up the book and set it on the side table next to her. "And I decided it was too late to risk sneaking back into the dorms, so. Home." Where she's at least familiar with the security systems.
Stifling a yawn with one hand, she pushes up out of the chair to hunt down a mug of coffee for herself. "I figured I'd at least get some studying in, but it turns out that policies and procedures are not the most engaging topic for late night or early morning studies." She squints over at him as she pours. "Better question, why are you awake?"
"I have meetings today." He can't be Batman all the time. Bruce Wayne has work to do. "Barbara has told me of a new presence that is trying to set up shop in Staten and asked me to feel it out for a partnership with Wayne Enterprises." he sips from his coffee, and continues. "Yashida Corporation, they specialize in consumer and military grade electronics."
"His name is Ken Harada, he also owns a small dojo in the district." Something else for him to check out. Or send one of the kids. Or leave it to Barbara. "How has school been? Able to balance everything?" The concern is fatherly. Genuine. His eyes look her over, checking her over to make sure she's taking care of herself. "Do you want breakfast? Or a driver back to the Academy? When do you need to return?"
"That…sounds like a dangerous degree of overlap," Helena says slowly, turning a sidelong glance on her father when he mentions Harada. "I mean, cool partnership, but if he saw the extent of Wayne Enterprises' military products plus the fact that everyone in the family can handle themselves in a dojo, that might turn on a few lights."
She takes her coffee black, so it only takes her a moment to get back to her chair with it, brows furrowing in a faint frown. "Speaking of highly-trained billionaires, did you know Danny Rand knows kung fu? Like…three guys down before the smoke bomb clears kung fu. You guys should check your sensei references. It'd be super awkward if you had the same teachers."
The more flippant she gets, the more Helena is covering for something. One of the things she learned from her mother. After a sip of coffee, she gets around to answering his questions. "School's fine. Kind of easy so far, aside from trying to do everything. The harder part is not making it all look easy, but that's part of what I wanted to learn and practice, so…I can't really complain about that. I don't have any classes until ten though, and I've got the bike, so I can get back."
"Danny Rand? I had heard he returned to the city. Though we don't travel the same circles. He's more the younger set. I could ask Dick, though. He may know." Bruce offers in way of response and he gives a nod to Helena. "That's why Bruce is meeting him. I want to see what business he is planning in Staten Island. After the moves made by Madame Masque, I'd rather trust and verify." he admits with a thin line of his lips.
"Speaking of returns to the city. Damian's mother is in town. So you're aware. She's already made one move on Selina." he starts quietly, "But it will be handled. You need to concentrate on school and your own relationships."
Helena arches a brow at the news about Talia. "No offense, Dad, but…I'm pretty sure she's ahead of you on the scoreboard right now," she says slowly. "Maybe throwing a less familiar face at her might help." Relationship talk, though, makes her shift uncomfortably in her chair, grimacing. "Peter and I are kind of…taking a break," she says reluctantly, as if the words were being dragged out. "Sort of. Something like that. We just- Things have been really busy lately, and we haven't really been able to see each other, and he started to give me the 'if we want this to work we're going to have to work at it' talk, and I basically just told him that I wouldn't be mad if he found someone else."
Awwww. She did learn some relationship skills from Dad!
Selina probably could stand a few more hours sleep post-patrol, but a call from a possible donator came in, waking her up. By the time the conversation concluded she found herself wide awake and in need of something to eat. Hearing voices, the PJ-bedecked, slipper-wearing brunette finds Bruce and Helena, the sight of whom brings a huge smile to her face. "Hey. Breakfast date with the fam, kiddo?" Helena's given a hug from her mother and Bruce gets a peck to the check, Selina pausing only long enough to ask, "Tell me there's a pot of coffee made," before going to discover if there is or not.
Selina's sauntering in gets Bruce's attention and a laugh as he returns her quick nuzzle. And figures she's keeping it brief because she heard the part about Peter. "I see." the older Wayne muses aloud, before his eyes rest on his daughter again. His hand moves to gesture towards the coffee service that has been set out, but keeps from pulling Selina into his lap. "Was this a mutual decision, or something you decided to do?" he asks Helena curiously. "It is your decision to make." He's just making sure Peter didn't do something untoward.
"We do have one other piece of news." he glances to Selina to see if she wants to let that cat out of the bag or not.
"It's a relationship, Dad. It's kind of a joint decision by default," Helena points out, even if she doesn't look thrilled about it. "I mean, he's right. I can't exactly expect him to sit around and wait for me to have time to actually have a relationship in between the academy and this life, while I don't tell him much of anything about either. And he's got his own things to deal with." Like his secret identity, which she also hasn't shared with the family.
She returns Selina's hug warmly, though she's not letting go of her coffee in the process. It's too precious. Still, the hug is a little longer and a little firmer than the usual perfunctory affection. "Got in late, decided not to test the dorm security while I was tired," she answers her mother, brow rising when Bruce mentions other news. "What kind of news?"
"It's alright, Helena. Relationships are like that. But who knows. Maybe you and that boy will wind up back together and you'll be together when you're old folks, like your father and I." She's trying to make a joke to brighten the mood, not trying to make a joke at Helena's expense or anything like that. "Not to sound like one of those greeting cards, but things will get better and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel and all that." With how dysfunctional her relationships have been in the past, maybe Selina shouldn't be despensing dating advice or whatever.
Lifting a brow at Bruce, she gestures at him to go ahead, not exactly awake enough to get what news he's hinting to. Yup. Color her entirely clueless here, people.
"I don't know of anyone that settled with their first relationship.." Bruce finds himself admitting. "And you're young yet." Even if she's only a couple of years younger than when Selina had her. Though Selina makes the gesture to go ahead he lifts his brow. "We've decided to finally set a date. After the new year." That should give Helena plenty of time to work with, right?
"The fact that both of you are so utterly unconcerned about this whole breakup thing makes me feel better about not being more broken up than I am," Helena drawls, dry. "I mean, I am…kind of? I care about Peter, and I have feelings for him and- But it's like I just…turned it all off. Because that can't be the most important thing in my life."
She falls silent for a moment, frowning to herself, though the frown dissipates at the news from her parents, a slow smile spreading. "No more false starts?" she asks, looking between them. "For real this time?"
Selina is proud of her daughter. Most young ladies her age would be falling apart, acting all melodramatic over breaking up with someone. But Helena's taking it well, which is a relief to her. "Everything will work out in the end. Even if it doesn't with Peter, you will find someone who'll love you and whom you'll love and it'll just all… work out." Okay. Selina's a smart woman but damn it if it isn't hard to find the way to put her feelings into words at the moment. "Just trust me." There. Good enough.
Helena's question about whether or not they are really going to get married has Sel laughing and she reaches over to give her hair a tussle. "For real this time, yes. I think… speaking for me, I'm ready. There's no reason for us to wait any longer, yeah?"
"Oh sure, put it on me to balk." Bruce responds with a raise of his brow and a small smirk. "No. No delays this time, Helena." he glances over to Selina and his smile turns fond. "She actually put the suggestion forward this time." comes the comment. Which means it must be happening this time. "But if you want me to talk to Peter…" he trails off, leaving the teasing comment hanging there for Helena. Because Bruce can totally be an intimidating dad.
"Of if I need to talk to Kate." No, he's not going to ruin Peter's job. He promises. "And it'll happen. Or not. Just never compromise who you want to be and are." There's a lift of his eyes to Selina at that. "We need to have a more serious talk on this bounty business, but it can wait."
"I can intimidate my own boyfriends, Dad," Helena smirks, rolling her eyes before she turns a warmer smile on both of them. "But I'm really glad it's really going to happen. Big thing? Small thing? Do I get to break out the wedding planning book? Steve and Bucky cheated with the eloping, I don't think I could survive that sort of betrayal from my own parents." She may or may not be kidding.
"What about a bounty, though?" she asks more seriously, taking a longer drink of her coffee now that it's had a chance to cool a little bit. "Who's got a bounty out on them now?"
"LEave Helena alone, Bruce. She doesn't need you, or me, to butt into her affairs of a romantic nature." There's a tsk to go along with the gentle chiding, but Selina's seirous. "I am glad as well, Helena," she then adds. "But we'll have to talk wedding plans this afternoon. I got to go to a meeting that was sprung on me. If you're still here we'll do something nice. Sushi delivered in and movies." She gives them each another hug. "See you both later." And with that, she goes to get ready.
"I'll stay out." Unless situations dictate otherwise. Bruce frowns for a moment as he gives a nod. "I need to get ready for my own meeting as well." he admits with a sigh of breath. "You need to concentrate on school. We got the bounty thing handled." he promises his daughter. Not pushing her out. Just not overloading her plate either. "And something I will need to deal with on a more personal level."
"If you don't tell me, I'll just dig it up anyhow," Helena points out, leaning back in her chair with a level look back at her father. Like father, like daughter. "Which is going to be way more distracting than just knowing about it." Obviously. "And not knowing about it would mean I wouldn't be prepared if something to do with it came up."
"If you stick to the Academy like you're supposed to, it won't be an issue." Bruce is more than willing to push back. "Taskmaster went after Selina. He only does those jobs if he's been hired for them. I'm going to look into it. Nothing that you need to insert into." he gives her a flat look. "You need to work on your grades, and making sure you downplay your abilities."
Helena's brows go up quickly at the news, followed by a low whistle. "Taskmaster?" she echoes. "Damn. And not just hired, but that has to be a big payday." She grimaces, ruffling a hand absently through her hair. "Mom, or Catwoman?" she asks, adding quickly after: "Not for the purposes of running it down myself, that's way above my paygrade, just…so I know which precautions to take when."
"Catwoman. Drew her into a trap at a jewelry story." Bruce leaves out the tidbit that it was the same jewelry story that Catwoman robbed when she first met Batman. That little tidbit is what drew Bruce to seek out the person that probably took out the bounty. "As for precautions, you're in the middle of SHIELD headquarters. As much as you lauded at me that you would be safer there than even at the manor, I expect you to live that out for now." he points out to her. Not that she'll listen. The women tend to never do so.
"Helena Wayne's safe at SHIELD," Helena agrees. "Blackbird's going to have to be a little more careful not to end up bait. I'll try to buddy up if I go out on patrol," she concedes reluctantly. Letting out a heavy breath, she scrubs a hand over her face and glances at the television to check the time. "I should got get cleaned up and eat something real before I head back, speaking of. Get some more practice at the range before class." That's one thing she's not an expert at: guns.
The mention of guns brings a frown to Bruce's face. But he's not going to broach that at this meeting. His feelings on it are already well known as he rises to his feet. "Blackbird may want to take a few days off. Or make sure she's linked up to Oracle." comes the response as he moves over, kissing Helena on the top of the head. "I'm sorry about Peter. He seemed like a nice boy. But not exactly comfortable with everything." he points out, before he's turning to head off to get ready himself.
"He is a nice boy," Helena calls after her father. "Don't make it weird!" Or look into him too hard. Please. She drains the rest of her coffee, giving the pot a glum look before deciding other things should be done before she has more coffee. For now.