2019-11-11 - Permutations and Possible Perambulations


Rogue has some serious questions for Hank, Remy joins in, also - Enterprise D model in a bottle!

Log Info:

Storyteller: None
Date: Mon Nov 11 03:28:09 2019
Location: Institute - Hank McCoy's Lab - Westchester

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Rogue has waited, until Remy was buried into a hobby and fully distracted. She's crossed over to mansion, moving quietly like almost a ghost in the building that was her first home after years on the streets. Deep auburn hair is loose over a gray v-neck thermals and some jeans, her favorite battered combat boots. Tiny glittering studs curl up along the lines of her ears, and there's a tiny little shiny silver hoop decorating her left nostril today. (It's not an actual piercing).

She will push up a sleeve as she roams her way into the lab. "Hey, Hank? You around down here somewhere, doin' that science thing?"

Hank is presently working with the holographic emitters he installed in the lab a few months back, this is a new application for it though - Rogue would enter just as the 3D model he was working on finished rendering, and then he stepped inside it! A new costume, mostly black, but with white and organge elements. Also a yellow visor.

He smiles over to Rogue as she enters, and beckons her over. "Hello Rogue, I am indeed doing that SCIENCE! thing." He stretches and the virtual costume moves with him, at least under laboratory conditions.

A nod. "Mm." And then a glance to her. "What do you think?" And then another smile. "Need my help with something?"

Rogue will pause, looking at him in the holographed armor. " Nice look for you, Real McCoy." The belle will tease, as she saunters closer. A hand will slide through her hair, before she's pulling herself to sit up on some counter type surface she probably shouldn't be sitting on. It doesn't matter if there's chairs in easy reach or not.
She will bite her lip a moment, lashes lowering before she looks at him head on again. "It's about your serum."

Hank can't help but do a few heroic poses for his friend in the spirit of his silly head. "Why thank you, dear lady. I was just letting some bengal spice tea steep, would you care for some?" He cuts the hologram, leaving him dressed in the goggles, a lab coat, a snug fitting black t-shirt and black khaki's. He's barefoot, of course, with his prehensile toes he tends to avoid footgear.

He moves over to get the tea for himself, and her if she'd like some, and then his brow furrows when she gets a bit nervous and finally mentions the serum. Returning with tea, or possibly teas, he hops up on the counter opposite hers, also not meant for sitting on of course, and nods slowly. "Concerns about it, or seeking a variant for yourself?"

There is some wolf-whistles and clapping, in the spirit of everything, grinning at her friend. "Sure. I'm always up for trying a new kinda tea." She's long stopped thinking the only tea is sweet and iced.
She accepts the tea with a murmured thanks, letting her hands curl around the cup. Those green eyes are a little startled, before there's a half smile. "Hank, if you're happy and it's not hurtin' you, you know I support you." There's the smallest hint of a flush. "You don't sound at all surprised. I've been debating it for a while."

"Easy to find, it is by Celestial Seasonings - cinnamon, mostly, but lots of others including cardamon and vanilla." The stuff DOES smell really yummy and 'cinnamony'. He takes his straight, but brings rogue some sugar in case she wants to sweeten it, setting cup and small sugar bowl down on the counter next to the southern belle."

Hank smiles. "Rogue, never doubted you wouldn't support me, though Logan seemed fairly upset by it. I have had other fairly strong reactions as well. Overall I'm happy, but I'm wondering if I should just accept it."

The fur. A smile. "Well, your situation is pretty extreme, Rogue. What would you have me do? I warn you, this was very dangerous, and it is far from a refined process."

"It smells amazing." Rogue will lift the cup for a tentative sip. No burning the tongue! "Logan tends to have either a strong opinion, or none at all, so far as I can tell." She will drawl, smiling over the edge of her cup.
"I can't tell you what to do, Hank. I know you have all your formulas and equations and things I could never understand. I am sure my suggestion of a list of pros and cons has been covered." She gnaws at her bottom lip.
"Extreme is one word for it, sure. I just.. I don't even know if you could make a…variant for me. That's the sort of stuff I had to come ask you. Anything with an engine and wheels? I'm your girl. Super advanced science? Not so much." There's a hint of a smile. "Hank.. *I* am very dangerous. And I don't wanna be. I wanna be able to just.. be me. Love Remy, run around without ever bein' afraid that a hug or a kiss could lead to a world o' trouble. I just.. I need to sound it out, and who better'n you?"

So he'd been at it for awhile. He'd bought all the supplies he needed to make it happen… the model kit of the USS Enterprise - the one from TNG mind you - the bottle that was the right size to fit it and all the tools necessary. But throughout it all the frustrations had overwhelmed. About an hour after Rogue had slipped out, likely tiring of hearing the Cajun being frustrated and making grumpy noises as a result of it, he called out to her, only to find she was gone.

"Rogue?" He asked, calling around the boat house, but she'd vanished. So He picked up his work and went after her… Well he went after another person first, then Rogue second. Now he was arriving at Hank's lab where he was told she was at and he leans against the doorway as he hears the last bit of that conversation.

"What this about Lovin' Remy?" He asks with a grin on his lips. "I like the soundsa that…" All bravado in his voice of course. "Lookit!" He says, sweeping his left hand up from behind his back. In his hand is the completely Star Trek ship inside of a bottle. "Voila!" He declares.

"One of my favorites. It is a good 'comfort' tea too." Hank says as he hands over Rogue's tea with a smile. He cannot help but chuckle at the spot on analysis of Logan and his moods, and nods. "Oh, I know. But when multiple different sources, trusted all, raise concerns that sends up warning flags to me." A pause. "I should probably see what my girlfriend thinks before I do anything, however."

Wait, Hank has a girlfriend?! That might surprise folks a bit.

Hank looks thoughtful. "I can probably make something with relative ease to suppress your powers temporarily, and rig a counteragent so you could turn them off. If you want me to actually /alter/ them, that's a whole different ballgame by orders of magnitude, and potentially deadly. Two of my serum trials - two of /three/, could have very easily killed me." In fact one WOULD have. He grins at the wheelhouses mentioned. "I'm also working on a flying car design, because it is a crime we were promised them in the fifties and onlh SHIELD had some."

Remy's entrance draws a smile from the scientist. "What's not to love, Remy Lebeau? You're quite a man, and I can personally attest to the fact you kiss well." Sure, Hank blushes a bit a she says it, that was a funny exchange Memorial Day at that barbecue. Fortunately the Cajun also has an Enterprise D model to distract with, and /in a bottle/! "Oh, that's very nice work, Cajun."

She has a moment where she's looking at Hank, that terror and panic of a child caught out doing something she shouldn't and is worried about what will happen next. "Oh, like you don't know I love you, Remy Lebeau. " The look she gives the Cajun is one of complete affection. There's a proud little smile. "Looks like all that cussin' at it worked. It's amazing, sugar."

Then Rogue looks at Hank. "Girlfriend? I don't remember you bringin' any ladies around for me to vet, McCoy. What's with that?" The teasing fades a little, as Hank gets serious. "You think you can do that? Make something to squish it all down so I don't have to be afraid, and something I can turn it all back on with?" That? That sounds like the best of both worlds to the belle.

Remy's eyes go from Hank to Rogue and he grins at them both. Rogue's admission of deep affection gets a soft and happy little whistle out of the Cajun, followed by a sly grin. "Ya done charmed me. Looks like I'm the one makin' the mac'n'cheese t'night, just t'show my return love. What better way than shells an' cheese?" He's being silly, its his thing when he's happy after all.

His eyes glance down to the bottle with the Enterprise in it and he moves to walk toward one of the table spaces in the the lab. "This… I made for you, Hank." He says then. "So so much hard work…" A heavy sigh comes from the Cajun now - while also a quiet and tiny voice inside of his jacket pocket. "Oops." Remy says as he sets the bottle down. He reaches into his jacket then and pulls out his phone, glancing at the screen that reads 'K_Pryde' on it, while the voice is quietly saying. "Pssst, Remy, did they like it?'. Remy taps on the <End Call> button and then turns around and smiles all big at Rogue and Hank.

"Girlfriend, huh?!" Gambit asks, while stuffing that cell phone back into his pocket where it came from. "Who the lucky recipient'a them big blue lucious lips, eh?"

Hank grips Rogue's shoulder gently to offer support, and then smiles when she bites the bullet and just forges on. That massive paw squeezes, and then he laughs at the vetting thing. "Primarily because I can't bring her here due to security concerns, she's not a mutant." He smiles. "It is still also in very early stages, she might not like me, or we might not pan out." Because yeah, Hank's such a ladies man. Gallant? Sure. Kind? Yup! But experienced dater? Not in the least.

"I am fairly sure I can come up with a suppression formula, yes. Possibly even something with a switch, something electronic, but they'll both be things I'd want to be sure of, I wouldn't want to endanger your life." A nod. "Either way you'll be spending a fair amount of time being prodded and poked."

Hank can't help but laugh at the phone thing, but, not going to ruin the gift. He is clearly touched as he accepts the bottle. "Remy LeBeau, thank you, my friend. This is a wonderful gift."

A grin, all kinds of awkward. "Betty Brant, the reporter." Which would be another reason not to bring her to the school!

There is no doubt Rogue is appreciative of the support - and the willingness of Hank to touch her, clothed and controlled or not. Everyone still has not yet quite gotten on that train. "Does she know you are?" Rogue will ask softly, delicately. She's worried about her too intelligent friend. "Not like you? Not possible. Any girl alive that didn't grow up with you as a mentor would be lucky to have you wooin' her." Her hand will reach for Remy's, once he's given Hank the spaceship in a bottle.

Her head will tilt, green eyes narrowing to look at Hank. "An' just how will you be sure of them, without me? I mean, kinda have to test them, don't you?" She sips her tea, a glance down at the bottle with a smile. "Betty Brant? The Ask Betty chick?"

Remy leans back against a table and crosses his arms together over his stomach. His grin fades some as he tilts his head and looks between the two of them. "I thought you were gainin' control on that stuff?" Remy asks of Rogue. "Ya seem t'have been doin' good with it." At Hank then, Remy just flashes a light grin toward the man. "Always liked ladies with the name Betty. They always seemed t'be the kinda gals that a smile just comes naturally too, like they're just upbeat and happy… never met a Betty that wasn't a happy lady. But yeah, I agree with da Belle here, there ain't no way she wouldn't like ya, Doc. You're one'a the good ones." Self satisfied smirk then as he raises his left hand and taps his own chest with his thumb.

"Like me." He proudly boasts, shamelessly of course.

Hank's her doctor, he's long since gotten over any hesitation. Further, he knows that her powers only work skin to skin bone deep - so, yes, willing to touch and he knows how to do so safely in his gut. "Mutant? Yes. She first met me when I was fuzzy, we seemed to hit it off - so - we shared a couple meals over the next couple weeks." He is definitely red eared as he admits. "And things seemed to go very well after I was defurred, though she was rather surprised initially." A faint sigh.

And then both Remy and Rogue sing his praises and the man full on blushes. "Yes. The Ask Betty chick." He admits.

Right. So. Focus! Hank grins over to Rogue. "Well, I'm just very very careful with other people's lives, so I thought I'd mention this would not be a swift thing. Fair?"

"I was just worried if she didn't. People get squirrely about findin' things like that out, after the fact. Surprised how?" She'd heard the sigh. "I've seen her pic by her byline. She's a cutie, Doc."

Annnnd there it is. She's surprised he didn't ask sooner. Her head turns, as she sets down her tea. "You goin' to tell me you're never worried, Remy? That you don't get tired of me wrappin' up in a sheet to sleep, because I'm worried what might happen when I'm dreamin'? If Hank can find a way to have me not have to have my skin 'on' all the time, so I can fully relax… Then turn it back on if I needta… that would be the dream. And I don't have to worry about fighting for control if I have to use my power, and alla that."

Remy glances between the two of them again then and he just grins toward Hank. "She got a podcast or somethin', Doc?" He asks, clearly having no idea what Ask Bette is. "I'll have t'tune in, maybe call-in if she does a segment like that. I'll be all like 'Hello? Dis Bette? Yes, Hank kisses good, yeah?' Then giggle an' hang up." His grin remains, but his eyes sweep over to Rogue…

Remy's arms unfold then and he walks toward her with a slow, but intent pace, eyes locked on the Belle, giving her his best smoldering stare. As he gets close enough he dips his head in to the side of her face. "Boo… even if ya did lose control an' put me out, just gettin' t'touch your skin even for that split second or two? It enough t'light my life up nice'n bright. End it on a high note, I say." He reaches out then to pull back a bit of her hair off of her ear, then just drops hand down to her shoulder and grins up to Hank.

"I don't want ya takin' no risks on her, Doc." He says then, knowing Hank wouldn't anyway, but still. "Only do what ain't gonna have no scary side effects. I'd rather me get hurt, than this angel 'ere." He gives her shoulder a squeeze then.

Hank shakes his head. "I would never hide my mutancy, I really /can't/, even with smooth skin." He smiles. "And yes, she seemed surprised and /maybe/ a little disappointed. Like Logan seemed…and a few others. Some even questioned my love of being mutant, they asked if I was ashamed." And both Remy and Rogue would know that would be pretty hurtful things for Hank to hear, he's /always/ been 'Mutant and Proud', fiercely defended mutant rights, avidly supported and ran an anti-registration act campaign for /years/.

And he's a First Classman.

He is silent while Rogue and Remy talk, as they declare their love and support. As they speak of very VERY personal stuff, and you know - he's actually rather moved that they felt comfortable about doing so with him present.

"First, Remy, she is a newspaper reporter, works at the Daily Bugle, Ask Betty is a column. Second, I'll die before I'll risk Rogue. Sufficient?"

Rogue will shake her head when Remy talks about prank calling poor Betty. "Let Hank get her overwhelmed with his charms, before we introduce you to her humor, Lebeau." She will curl her finger into Remy's shirt as he got close. "That's not … no, Remy. Jus' no. I love you an' all, but I like you outside my head, not livin' in it, you hear? A second or two of touchin' you will never be enough for me. " Rogue sounds resolute, even as she's flushing just a bit, looking up at the Cajun.
Her head turns to look at Hank. "Ashamed? Ashamed?! " Oh, that makes Rogue angry. "Probably from people that can pass. People that ain't ever had to deal with not bein' able to live without that weight of their mutation. People who think that don't know ya very well, you ask me. Not wantin' to feel on the outside ain't a crime."
There is a roll of her eyes. "I am right here, fellas. I'm a big girl and can decide for myself."

Remy is just all grinning at first, at least until the heavy subject of anti-Mutant commentary from imbeciles arises. When he sees Rogue get triggered over it he takes a step back, knowing the temper on the Belle he doesn't wanna catch an errant elbow or a wayward backhand from any over zealous Mississippi hand motions…

A quick smile a nod is given to Hank though. "That the kinda oath I like t'hear, Hanky-Panky." He tells the scientist though before he leans back against the wall now and reaches into his jacket to pull out a deck of cards that he starts to fan out in his hands, almost into a full circle before he plucks one out, then flips it up into the air and catches it right back into the space he'd plucked it from.

"Why even bother holdin' dialogue with folks like that? They can't have their minds changed… not easily any how… without drastic measures t'change their points'a view… and that is just… messy, usually." Thats Gambit's take on it anyway.

"Oh, we sorted things for the most part, in truth I can see the question arising - and yeah, they're people who haven't been essentially family for years. Dysfunctional, inarguably but Ohana." Best concept ever! The family you choose. Thanks, Hawaii! "I have never really been able to pass, evne like this…" He holds up his hands, his dinner plate sized hands with nearly legs length arms with the massive forearms, and thick legs, and size twenty feet.

He grins then at Rogue as she gets a little tart about her being there. "Of course you are, but we're big boys too. You accept the risks, and we're determined to minimize them, surely that's an acceptable arrangement of our priorities?"

And nope, he's not even a little repentant.

He grins to Remy and nods, and says nothing more about the oath.

There is an irritated, defensive Rogue in the lab, now. There's a roll of her eyes as she slides down off the counter type thingy she was sitting on. There's a toss of her hands into the air, a clear sign she can do nothing with the two of them. "Hi. Free will, here. My risks are mine, not part of y'alls." The accent is getting thicker - which is a warning Remy knows well!

Rogue's growing southern flavored accent gets a raise of Remy's eyes back up to her and then over to Hank. After a second he flips his cards back into a stack and tucks them into a pocket on the chest of his black denim jacket he's wearing. "Weeeeell…. then." Remy starts nice and slow. "Hows about we mosey on up t'the kitchen and rustle us up some kinda food? I hear they got beans up there… Beans, Rogue… Beeeeans!" He takes a step toward her, shows a sly grin toward Hank.

"You let the doctor think about your request. I'm sure he come up with a variety'a options for, with a variety'a colors too if'n it has t'be some kinda piece'a hardware, yeah? And if its some dangerous operation, well maybe he come up with ways to make it less dangerous, no?"

With a little clear of his throat Remy tries to angle the momentum toward the door. "Sound good then? Great! Now then… on to beans." And with that he starts to engage walking motions enroute toward doorway of Hank's fancy lab that now has a Star Trek ship in a bottle inside it that had no help from Kitty Pryde, zero help from her.

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