2019-10-23 - Acheivement Unlocked: New Friend! +10 Gamerscore


After chatting on line a few times, Kamala and Eve agree to meet and see about this friendship thing!

Log Info:

Storyteller: None
Date: Wed Oct 23 10:36:39 2019
Location: 2 East 5th Avenue #12E

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The Waypoint Cafe is one of those cyber cafes in the middle of the city that allow gamers to come in and enjoy themselves, a few games and to actually get in a little social interaction. After meeting online and chatting several times in Discord, Kamala decided to finally take the plunge and meet Eve in person. After setting up a time and place, Kamala had added, 'I'll be the girl in the Captain America sweater'.

Because of course she would. Having arrived early at the Waypoint, Kamala hadn't ordered her breakfast yet, instead she's sitting and looking at her laptop that's adorned with with dozens of stickers, mainly from super heroes logos. Dressed in the patriotic sweater and a pair of blue jeans, she's got her head scarf resting around her shoulders at the moment to let her hair be free as she's playing at the moment, judging by the furious tapping at her mouse and chew on her bottom lip. She may have lost track of time jusssst a little.


"I'll be the painfully obvious Goth," is what Eve's response was. Eve is TRYING to meet more people. Even weirdos like Kamala, it would seem, are not off limits.

"Salaam," she says, recognizing the meaning of the headscarf, even if her hair is free, and it is revealed that heck no she wasn't kidding about being obvious.

Eve's dressed in a /ridiculously/ gothy ensemble right down to her skin being powdered even paler than normal. She leaaaaans over her shoulder as she taps on the mouse. "Whatcha doin'?" She asks, all warmth.


"Star Guardian Lux reporting for duty." the computer cheerfully reports. Even catches Kamala by surprise, and the young woman jumps a bit. And yeah, she probably has the weirdo thing going for. After all, she'll never be the most beautiful. Or well, even superhero hot. Putting the game on pause, Kamala blushes, "Just questing!" she offers up cheerfully, and then turns and takes in Eve.

"Oh my.. oh my gosh! I love your hair! Did you do that yourself? And your dress! Did you make that?" Bouncing in her seat for a moment, she stands up - okay, she's short on top of everything else as she folds her hands in front of her. "I'm Slothbaby!.. err Kamala. Are you Eve?" she asks. "Because otherwise, I'm being totally awkward." She offers her hand.


"Right?! Yes, I did my hair myself. I make some of the clothing, but a lot of places from Good Will to Botiques are required to look this good." Eve takes the hand and gives it a firm shake, nothing if not polite. "It's nice to meet you, 'Slothbaby', Aka Kamala." She has herself a seat across from her thereafter.


After the handshake, Kamala releases the hand, and returns to her seat as she closes the laptop as she settles back in. "That's really neat. So retro." she comments with a nod as she gives Eve her full attention. "Did you want to order some food and natter? I'm so excited to meet new people." she admits, and her cheeks darken for just a moment. "And.." while she's thinking on it, "Wa-Alaikum-Salaam."

A momentary thankful smile is offered at the greeting. She's not exactly used to it outside of her little neighborhood. And even then, it's rare. "Isn't this place just the neatest? Have you seen the menu? It's all gamer themed!"


"I mean, Goth has never really gone anywhere to be 'retro', though its had its ups and downs," says Eve, "And we never age." Eve surely doesn't, which is what makes saying that funny to her.,

"I have not been here yet. I don't usally go out to eat much." She brings a foot up to the chair, pausing a moment before she leans back, "It's pretty neat, I agree! So, what do you do, Kamala? Aside from playing lots and lots of computer games and racking up ALL the achieves."


"Isn't Goth the original retro though? Reaching all the way back to the reniassance?" Kamala asks in return, looking thoughtful at that, before she is looking over the menu again, and that gives her a moment to consider the question. "I mean, I'm not on that much am I?" Okay, she may be. But then she's turning her attention back to Eve. "I attend Empire State, right not just in general studies, and besides classes and gaming, it's mainly helping around the house, and things. My parents are pretty neat most of the time, but they totally don't get the things that I do online." Or as a super hero either, but less they know about that, the better.


"I suppose that's true from a certain point of view," says Eve, "But I don't tend to think of the subculture's roots as defining whether its retro in a modern context" Eve mock-chidingly wags a finger at Kamala before adding, "…you totally are by the way. It's okay. WE all went to college once." She hardly looks old enough to be saying something like that in comparion to Kamala.


Chided appropriately. "Okay, totally earned that one, but I didn't mean it offensively. Just you know, it's cool. And you totally pull it off." Kamala responds, as she gives a blush. "What can I say, there's always new levels and stories and all that and I just enjoy it." she admits as she fidgets her hands a little. Seems that she's just a ball of energy sometimes. "Oh, you going to school?" comes the curious question as she reaches for the coffee she had ordered earlier to take a sip. Frozen frappe goodness for the win.


"Oh, no, not for a while now," says Eve, still warm and friendly in her tones.

"I'm a landscape designer, actually." She leans forward, propping her head up on her hands.


"Ohhh." Kamala responds, she folds her hands together, looking thoughtful. Then Eve brings up what she does. "Landscape designer? Do you like it?" she asks curiously. "What's the best thing you like about it? Do you let yourself into your work?"


"I do! I like it a lot," replies Eve, putting her hand son the table and straightening up again. "I really kind of don't. I mean, I'm good at it. I get paid a lot of money for it by comparison to others 'cause my clients are on the richer side and I've got awards beneatgh my name and so on, but the reality is that I don't /love/ it. It pays the bills, I'm good at it, and I can do the things I /really/ love on its back."


There's a thoughtful look as Kamala considers this, and then gives a little laugh. "…as my Ammi is always telling me, do what you love and you never work a day in your life." she decides. "But you have awards for your work? I'd like to see some of it sometime!" she says, clearly excited by the idea if Eve can do stuff that awesome. Then she's arching her brow, considering the other woman before she decides to venture. "So what is it that it's paying the bills for? What is it that you love to do?"


"I think your Ammi can be right, but it needn't be that way. Sometimes, turning what you love into your job will kill what you love about it, take the fun right out of it. I like to have nice things, nice books, nice media center, do the things that strike my fancy when they strike it." She interlaces her fingers on the table. "I mean, you /saw/ my steam library." It's one of the reasons Kamala and her started talking after all.


"Yeah, you may be the only person I know that has more gaming hours that me." Kamala admits with a giggle, before the smile slips a little, looking thoughtful. "I suppose that would lead to burnout if people grind on you too much. You just have to keep it from getting to you. I mean, like those people that game on Twitch. I don't know how they do it. I can't let others watch me when I'm gaming, I'm afraid of you know, being major suck."


"… I mean, leaving the games on inflates the numbers a /little/…" But not THAT much on that many games. Ahem.

"It really can, yeah. I've streamed on occasion. Hey, you should totally play on stream with me. You can stay off the cameras, of course." She beams at Kamala.


"Stream with you?" Kamala considers it. Her cheeks darken, and then she gives a little laugh. "If you showed me on camera, you'd probably lose viewers!" she points out in a bout of self-conscious. "But that would be amazeballs. What would you want to play?"


"Pfft. I'd /gain/ viewers. You're pretty! Besides, there are a lot of Muslim gamers out there, you know." She wags a finger at her again. "No way I'd lose viewers, but I was thinking you could be off camera since you didn't sound comfortable with it in the first place and I don't know! DEfinitely nothing from BLizzard right now." She muses it over. "We'd need to go over the list.."


"Yeah. Totally not Blizzard." Kamala agrees. Though she's a little depressed over that. Some of her favorites are there, then she's blushing again and laughs. "You're the pretty one!" she points out to Eve, before giggling. "Keep wagging that finger at me, may draw back a nub." It's a teasing comment, followed up by Kamala's beaming smile. "We can totally go over the list. Okay, I can totally do that."


"Stop flirting with me," says Eve, warmly. "Yeah, let's do that. I thiunk that's a great idea. I've quite enjoyed gaming together." She hasn't ordered anything for herself yet, but she does take the menu to have a once over it finally, looking wry about the choices offered.


At the accusation, Kamala's eyes widen and her cheeks redden. "I-I wasn't!" she manages with a little gasp of breath. "So have I. It'd be nice to hang out." And she's ducking into her menu, because she's thoroughly confused herself as she worries on her lower lip. "Maybe the chocobo toast."


Eve seems pretty amused by this, actually, and then she's back to reading her menu. "I /do/ love a good Final Fantasy joke. Chocobo toast it is!"


Nodding her head, Kamala is flustered, but at least didn't get up and run away. After placing the order, "Two chocobo toast, I'll have another Draught of Living Frappe." she's not exactly what to breach into next. Time to let her brain reset after being caught unaware. Eve used flirt, it was super-effective.


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