2019-10-21 - A Kiss is Just a Kiss


Kori has Kamala visit her at the Baxter Building and they have a deeper discussion on the meaning of a kiss.

Log Info:

Storyteller: None
Date: Mon Oct 21 21:07:58 2019
Location: Baxter Building - Young Avengers HQ

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Theme Song



When Kori invited Kamala over, the young woman was unsure what to do. How to dress. All of that. Last night had left her confused, but she finally decided to play the neutral field and feel out where this was all heading. So dressed in her comfortable Captain America sweater, blue jeans and boots, the young woman made her way to the Baxter Building. There was a few moments with security, mainly because she was carrying a box of pastries, but eventually she was allowed up to the Young Avengers floor.

As she enters with an escort, Kamala looks around in amazement of everything. She's actually here. She is totally squeeing on the inside, judging by her wide eyes and warm smile. She clutches the box of pastries a little tighter as she's shown to the common area to wait for the hostess.

Through security and up the elevators to where the adult superheroes let the kids keep their clubhouse. Starfire is waiting by the elevator doors rather than hanging around the main area like she has something else to do, wearing what Page Four has called her lightning outfit: dark purple alien latex-like fabric, almost black, with jagged silver lightning trim leaving her chest, belly, and hips almost completely bare, and a high collar, full-length gloves, bikini brief bottoms, and thigh-high boots. It's one of her outfits the tabloids have fewest photos of her wearing, so that she's wearing it today probably means… something? Could be flirty, could be formalwear, could be alien sweatpants for all you know.

When Kamala arrives, the security guard winces slightly because he knows what's coming: a tackle. Koriand'r flies into the elevator before Kamala can even step off and throws her arms around the smaller girl's shoulders, engulfing her (the fact that she is indeed flying, and thus most of her body is horizontal, is the only thing that keeps her from crushing the box of pastries between their bodies). "Friend Kamala! Welcome and greetings!" she cries softly, almost into Ms. Marvel's ear.

When the elevator doors open, Kamala barely has time to notice the flames and black - and the security guard didn't warn her that she was going to be tackled - and when Kori flies in, the young woman drops the pastries, fortunately the box doesn't spill open as they collide.

Kamala's body reacts on reflex, arms expanding and engulfing to wrap around Kori almost protectively as she tumbles, falling over as she finds the Tamaereanian over her, and she blinks owlishly at the way she's dressed, her cheeks flaring red, but she's smiling. "You look.. wow!" she manages, complimenting her nonthless, "I so underdressed." she admits.

As she finally unwinds to release Kori, she gives a quick nuzzle of cheek to cheek before greeting back. "Hi Koriand'r!" she's been practicing that probably, to try to pronounce it right. "I brought some pastries. Uh. I read the reports that said you liked mustard? But I wasn't sure if it was mustard, or hot stuff you liked, so I kinda.. made them with sweet bean curd and dundicut peppers." she explains as she gestures to the box on the floor.

The elevator makes the kind of impatient dinging noise it makes when its doors are blocked by a tall alien's flying body, and Koriand'r covers her mouth with eight fingers. "Yes, I apologize, friend elevator!" she yelps and backs out of the lift, making reaping gestures with her arms to implore Kamala to follow while she smiles her thanks and goodbye at the guard, who responds with a wearily practiced diplomatic smile of his own. When Kamala is out, Koriand'r, still flying with her knees bent into an acute angle, tilts her flight axis as she floats around to Kamala's side, until she's at an angle where she can be eye-level with Ms. Marvel while not dragging her feet or knees on the carpet. She drapes a blazing arm around Kamala's shoulders and asks in tones of wonderment, "You created edibles? Then I love them!"

"You haven't even tried them yet!" That is Kamala's only protest as she gets back to her feet, and when she notices how Kori is floating, she considers, and leans against her, before pointing out. "You know, you could just walk. I don't mind the difference in height." she admits. "I'm shorter than most people I know. But if you want, I could just make myself taller?"

She considers. "Though I don't think anyone should change themselves for anyone else. I tried that once. And.. yeah, I didn't like it. Gave me a wedgie and my feet got pinched." Her one time as Captain Marvel, ala one-piece. Her arm settles around Kori's waist in return, enjoying the closeness of the other woman. "I haven't even tried them yet." she admits with a laugh. "I don't usually try spicy foods. I mean, spicier than what my ammi makes."

Koriand'r looks oddly at Kamala. "Why would I have to try them to love them?" Then an 'oh, right' expression crosses her face as she remembers how humans are, and she explains, "On my world, if someone gives you a gift, then the gift is understood to be a symbol of the effect the giver wishes to invoke. You are not truly giving me food; you are giving me pleasure. Are you not?" she asks with a slight wriggle of her hips to emphasize the grip Kamala has on them.

"But you are right, you should not have to change," she agrees as she herds Kamala toward the main area of the headquarters. "How then do you feel, when it seems your power is to change, like the Beast Boy but into pale humans rather than green animals?"

There's a little laugh at that as Kamala considers Kori's words. "Well, you know. You're right." she admits, glancing over at the other woman and grins. "Pleasure, hmm?" she says, almost teasing, but she toes that line of not going too far. Instead she gives Kori an affectionate squeeze as she considers the question.

"You ever seen the movie 'Big'?" she asks, then pauses. "Wait, you don't like movies. Anyway, the main character makes a wish to be grown up. Then he wakes up and he's grown up and he thought it was awesome at first, then realized it wasn't all that great. It's not quite like for me. I spent my whole life wanting to be something else. Not a little mousy girl that gets picked on. The Muslim girl that doesn't drink or eat pork or wears a headscarf and goes to prayer twice a week. And then I got my wish, and I realized - it wasn't as great as I hoped. I can change my appearance.. but it's not something I want to do. Because I want to be accepted for who and what I am. And that's the crux of it." she admits.

"If someone just wants me for being me, with my faults and imperfections? I'd be amazed. I mean, I'm a superhero, then I see all these other gorgeous ones. Carol, Catwoman… you. And I realize that I'm never gonna measure up. But I can do the best I can with what I got. And hope that it's enough." She smiles bravely.


Koriand'r follows along with the conversation as best she can while guiding Kamala out of the business area toward the living area, a rather painfully artificial space made by adults who want to dictate what their kids' space should look like; an imitation of a loft apartment but lavishly decked out with top-end kitchenware, TV, and furniture. Koriand'r doesn't really have the context to note how much it looks like a set on a TV show, but Kamala might. In any event, Koriand'r decides the reference she missed probably wasn't important anyway, and gives her takeaway: "You believe you are not beautiful enough, and that this reduces your worth?"

"All you need is a few posters and a stack of beer cans." Kamala says with a thoughtful look as she takes in the common area. "Though the gym looks amazing. I bet I could stretch out well there!" she points out, before considering Koriand'r. Tilting her head curiously, she pulls away from the other woman and turns to stand before her. One arm stretches out to place the box of pastries on the counter, before easily returning to her.

"What I said was that I will never be as beautiful as most, but I still have a lot to offer. I'm just hoping someone realizes it." is the way she explains it. "I know my worth. I just want someone to realize that while my name translates into Beautiful Princess, at the same time I want someone to realize that you know, I don't have to be physically attractive to be beautiful."

Koriand'r shoots a side-eye at Kamala's compliment of the gym ('Was that the pun?'), but the conversation moves on to more serious topics, meaning it's best to leave her suspicions behind. "Yes, I agree," she says. "Beauty is many things. What things are you hoping others will realize you have to offer?"

Yes, that was a pun. Apparently it was as flat as Kamala can get. But as the conversation turns, Kamala reaches. She takes Kori's hand and tugs her to go sit on the couch. So she can sit next to her. As she settles, she folds her legs beneath her and takes a lotus position. "I know people look at you, and they see an alien. A beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, super strong, can light up anywhere woman that just.. is too good to be true." she says. "That's not what I saw."

"I saw someone with genuine curiosity. Someone that is here. And wants to learn about us. And all the amazing things we can do. While being totally amazing herself. I don't see an invader when I see you. I see a stranger in a strange land, and someone that is genuinely willing to help. And to bring others up with her. To raise them to her higher ground and standards. And that's pretty amazing." she admits.

Then she returns the attention to herself. "What do I bring?" she asks. "I'm spunky!" comes the comment and then she grins, before her experession turns more serious. "I can't do this solo." she admits. "In Jersey City with cockatiel clones of Thomas Edision, sure. But Carol was right, I work better with others than I do by myself. And that's what it is, that's what I bring to the party. I'm a support character, I'm the one that makes sure that everyone else keeps there spirits up, and that there is always something to work for. Something better. I mean, I'm never going to be a leader. But I can be the best darn helper I can be."

Koriand'r smiles kindly at Kamala. "Thank you for the compliments, but you should not lie." She pauses for a quarter of a second, just long enough to let Kamala wonder what she said wrong and how bad it was, before drifting back and running her fingers through her flaming hair, tossing it, eyes closed, lips slightly parted, like the woman coming out of the pool in that teen movie you're too young to remember.

"You very much saw a beautiful, drop dead gorgeous woman," Koriand'r teases, and floats back over to Kamala's side. Her eyes steal to the box for a moment, curiosity snagging her before she shakes it loose and returns to the important business.

"Will you not lead? You led at the medicine doctor's store," she points out.

Kamala's cheeks darken. "I led? You kissed me first." Then she realizes what Kori meant and her blush darkens, as she fidgets with the hem of her sweater, considering the threads that are there. "I saw more than that. I saw that. But I also found someone that wanted to make things right when there was a mistake. And at the same time, she wanted to help. Yet seemed vulnerable. It was such a confusing mix. And eclectic." she explains, and then she's got that pose going on.

She may be too young for those movies, but if you don't think Kamala has seen them, you'd be sadly mistaken.

"You ask me what I see. What do you see, Koriand'r?" she asks. "You asked me to visit. This place is amazing. Do you not lead here?" she points out to her.

Koriand'r looks at Kamala, considering. "Your hair is still perfect. Your complexion is very healthy. Your clothes remind me of a grishna growing its coat for the winter." She forgets that won't mean anything to Kamala. "You are small, but well-proportioned, and you use a soap that smells very nice. You stand as if you are frightened, yet you remain in place without running or fighting because you will not let fear command you.

"But what I see is not what I remember. I remember someone who was kind, who wished to make the help, who was prepared to fight or defend as she needed to. I do not fully understand why humans do the things you do, but it seems as if you are willing to risk yourself for whatever your motivations are. That makes you interesting and worth knowing." She nods as she completes her summary, ignoring the discussion of the lair and questions of leadership.

"Now who's lying?" Kamala asks as she considers Koriand'r. Reaching up, she settles her hands on hers and gives them a quick squeeze. "I saw someone that wanted to help and I wanted to help her. That's how it works." she explains, before laughs. "Do you like .. grishnas?" comes the confused question, trying to find a way to figure out the compliment. "You are daring in ways I could never imagine. You pull it off so flawlessly, with a simple grace that is just astounding."

Then she lets out a breath. Pausing, she glances down at their hands, and slips hers away as she bites on her lip. "A couple of nights ago, I saw the hero I admire the most show her heart to someone of the same sex. And I think I let myself imagine if I could do the same. Then you kissed me last night, and I realized after it was because you wanted to learn the language and what we were talking about, and I feel like I should be apologizing. Because well, you were doing what comes natural to me. And I might have let it get to my head."

Koriand'r's eyes widen. "You thought it was to learn? No! That was play. I need only touch your skin to understand." She grins. "I just like kissing, so it is a fun excuse."

"Oh.. oh!" Kamala says and then laughs, blushing. "I know. I saw some videoes of you kissing others. Just was saying that.. I mean.." Now she's fidgetting and considering. "I wasn't exactly coming up here with expectations or anything." comes the admission. "I mean, it was really nice, and you mentioned it again.. just, you know." No, she doesn't know herself. So she's hoping Kori does.

Koriand'r grins and boops Kamala on the nose. "You are cute, Kamala. Not very good to kiss, though. We will have to teach you to kiss better some time." Her bratty grin hopefully robs the teasing of any sting. "But your human expectations are strange to me. It seems as if you live more in a future that might be than a present that is."

"That was my first kiss, you shouldn't set your expectations so high." Kamala points out and mock-pouts for a moment. She even gives a little lip-wobble at her, before shaking her head. "I was trying to say I didn't have expectations. But I know that at the moment.. in the present?" She looks up at her hopefully and giggles. "I can try to be a good student?"

Koriand'r's eyes widen in surprise, but she nods. "Who is responsible for children's schooling on this planet?" she asks, mildly incensed, before shaking her head and letting it go. "Very well." She lands on her feet, which involves rising a foot and change above Kamala's height; a fact Koriand'r considers. "Standing kissing is different from other kinds of kissing, but the height difference…" She doesn't even consider asking Kamala to grow. She just drops to her knees in front of Kamala, making them more or less equal height. "This will do. Now, Kamala, shall I teach you how to kiss boys or how to kiss girls?"

"Well, when it comes to things like kissing? Noone?" Kamala laughs. "I think my parents didn't expect me to kiss anyone until I'm married." she points out to the alien woman before Koriand'r drops to her knees before her, and she finds herself looking into her eyes. And Kamala reaches out to brush her fingers into Kori's hair. "There's a difference?" she asks curiously. Then she lifts her chin. "Kiss me how you want to kiss me." she offers.

Koriand'r is scandalized. "And your people wonder why you have so much trouble!" She shakes her head again, this revelation so disturbing it kind of takes her out of a kissing mood. To try to get it back, or to at least stall until she feels less appalled, she explains, "There is a large difference, yes. To begin with, you must never let a boy kiss you: you must kiss him. If you let him kiss you, he will unhinge his jaw as if to swallow you whole, and his tongue will swirl about as if he wants to lick your tonsils." She provides a visual demonstration, letting her eyes flutter drunkenly half-shut, her mouth open so wide her chin almost touches her breastbone, her tongue snaking out and spinning in slow, wide circles like a blind octopus's tentacle. Once illustrated, she opens her eyes and shakes her head firmly. "No. You must always be the one to kiss a boy, at least until he learns how to kiss you. With a girl, it is very different. You can let her kiss you… though on this planet, if you wait for someone else to kiss you, you will go unkissed." She looks at Kamala sternly as she imparts that important lesson. "But you can trust a girl to be smarter. She will touch you at first, to see if you wish to be kissed, like this." Koriand'r glances down at Kamala's hand and takes it in her own, very very loosely, leaving room for Kamala to retreat or to squeeze. "You will show her your interest by stepping forward just a little. Do you feel your heartbeat speeding? Look at her eyes! She is feeling it too." A small, excited smile is playing at Kori's violet lips. "Now you know you are both together in the moment, so it is well to continue. You both lean in, slowly. You look at each other's eyes, but look quickly at her lips to be certain you are aiming properly if you do not yet know her face." Koriand'r leans in slightly. From an inch away, her alien heat is palpable, like stepping out of the shadow into sunlight. "You moisten your lips and you move in, but you only kiss for a second, or even less. You do not want to eat her mouth! You want to kiss her, which means the last kiss must end so a new one can begin. You are soft and light at first, stroking her lips with yours." Her voice is down to a murmur now, because she's almost close enough to touch. "When you are ready, if you are ready, your tongue will come out, just a little touch, to say hello. When she is ready, if she is ready, she will do the same…"

When Koriand's goes to her knees and approaches her, Kamala swears she can smell how close the woman is, and that clean plasma scent that's about her. The young woman catches her breath, listening to her as she goes into her explanation of the differences of kissing boys and girls. When she does her impersonation of a boy, she breaks into momentary giggles at the idea of that type of kiss. "How many of those have you had??" she asks curiously, and then she's going off into kissing girls. And as she explains it, the young woman's flesh reddens, her hands clutching in front of her because she's tugging on her sweater, not sure if she lets it go if she wouldn't just throw her arms around Koriand'r and kiss her, she's not trusting herself with herself. Instead, as she goes further into it, and then to the touching of mouths - and the deepening of kisses to taste the other, there is a pause from the girl as she meets Koriand'r's eyes.

"Where I grew up.. how I grew up, Koriand'r.. everything you are saying is wrong." she whispers in quiet admission. "…a kiss like that. So personal. So warm, the sharing of breath - that is only supposed to be between two that are very close to each other. I know it is not how you were brought up. I know it's because I'm human.. and worse, because I'm a Muslim girl…" she doesn't sound ashamed about that, but at the same time, she seems like she's feeling guilt. Because she asked - and now she's reaping the reprocussions of it as she glances down. "My life has been very strict." she explains. "Ammi and Abu, they laid down my foundations. Someday, I am supposed to marry someone they approve of. I am only supposed to kiss him like that. I am supposed to willingly set aside my life and dutifully have his children and tend to his family, no matter what my own life is at the time." There's the slightest of faces at that.

"You're something…" she says quietly. "…you're something spectacular. Amazing. But haram. So haram

." Forbidden. "I enjoyed our first kiss - I shouldn't have, but I did. And I know for you - it was just a kiss. Just like saying hello. Or a greeting of friendship. But that deeper kiss? That kiss that involves sharing breath, of tasting of each other? I know for you - that is kissing a girl. For me…?" she asks. "…it means so much more. It means that you are interested in me as more than a friend. It doesn't mean we're going to have sex - but it does mean that there is emotion there. And it is serious." She sighs.

She really wants to go further, releasing one hand from her sweater to reach up and brush her fingers on Koriand'r's cheek and then into her hair as she meets her glowing eyes with her own cinnamon color ones. Her's are with regret. Fear. But mainly, she's ashamed of herself. She teased - she went too far, and now, she's scared.

Koriand'r's vermillion eyebrows come slightly closer together in confusion as she listens to Kamala's speech. Oh, she's following the literal translations (once she's kissed someone, she's almost never confused about what her actual words mean), but the cultural stuff… it's going straight over her head. It sounds to her like Kamala is admitting to being a slave to be sold by her parent to a mate, or something?

So she latches onto the part of it she can understand: the part about kissing. She regards Kamala for a moment, hands still on the smaller girl's shoulders (and she does notice Kamala hasn't pulled away) as she tries to think of how to say what she means. Stormclouds boil on her face as frustration builds until she flings herself up to her feet and away from Kamala, crying, "X'Hal!" and a few other words, the only comprehensible one being 'English.' "I am sorry, Kamala, I am just—ah! This language is so imprecise, and Urdu is no better!" she cries petulantly, pushing her hair back from her forehead with both hands in an extremely human gesture of frustration. She paces the room for five or six long strides, stops, and breathes deeply. The flame-like aura around the tips of her hair calms down, and Koriand'r turns to face Kamala. "It is difficult for me to explain. Where I come from, there are many reasons to wish to kiss someone, and they all have their own names, but here there is only the desire word. I kissed you because you are beautiful, and I kissed you because it would be fun to kiss, and I kissed you because I wished to share with you the pleasure I felt at your acquaintance, and I kissed you to tell you we might kiss again if you wished it. If I were to kiss you now, it might mean any of those things, or other things, and I would not know until it happened because a kiss changes the situation that once was." Still frustrated, but her face bent with sympathetic concern for Kamala, she approaches the human and keeps her hands to herself, tucked behind her back. She opens her mouth to say more, then sighs and shakes her head. Words have run out.

"It's not desire, though!" Kamala's protest is immediate. She sits straight up as she feels like she just got punched in the gut by Kori's words. She watches the woman pace like a wounded animal, and when she looks at her, Kamala's lip quivers in a gentle wobble like she's on the verge of bursting into tears right then and there.

"Noone. Noone has ever said those things about me!" Kamala explains, her expression lowering, as she looks down at her hands, and then at the leggy alien as she returns to her, and almost wants to reach for her, but when Kori remains back, she doesn't push to close the distance, closing her eyes to chase away the tears that are threatening to form. "..it's not desire. I don't want you to take me to bed, Koriand'r." she says finally. "It is fun kissing you. I loved the taste of your lips. I want to kiss you more." she admits finally. "But everything that you feel about kissing - I want to feel that." she explains. "But that's not how I was raised. It's not what I was taught." She moves, to lay on her side, curling on herself, reaching up to pull her fingers into her own dark locks as she sniffles.

"You make it out like because we kiss I want sex. It's not that. I want to be held. Touched. I want to feel like I am someone's. That's what kissing means to me, Koriand'r. I know it means a lot more to you. A different more. But more. But you are right…" she says quietly.

"If I do kiss you like that - it will change everything. Maybe in the ways that you want. Maybe in the ways that I want. Maybe both. Maybe neither. But I don't want to put that on you. I don't want you to feel like you have to kiss me because you feel like you need to change /my mind/. Or convince me of anything. I'm not looking for zina with you." she explains.

"But in my religion. In my heart? A kiss, especially that type of kiss that is deep and slow and warm and affectionate, Kori? That's the type of kiss that I dream of. That I write about in my fanfic. It's the type of kiss that I dream of having, Kori."

Pushing herself back up to try to sit up, she pulls at her sleeve with the palm of her hand to rub at her eyes. "It's not desire. If it was desire, I'd be kissing you. I can't put it in your language. I wish I could. Kissing you is haram. Kissing for emotion is haram and I'm just…" she rubs at her eyes, fighting the urge to stand up and /run/ from the room. "…I'm lost."

Koriand'r is rocked (literally knocked back: she stumbles backward and catches herself clumsily on one heel) by surprise at Kamala's response. "Sex? What—why must a kiss be the start of the intercourse? Why do you only desire sex? Can you desire nothing else? Why would I wish to change your mind as if your mind is wrong?" she asks, eyes wide. There's been a serious miscommunication here, and damned if she knows where.

"Oh my god, I wasn't saying I wanted sex!" Kamala is suddenly rocked as well. The breakdown of communication is complete, and the young woman is so embarassed that yeah. She's picking up what's left of herself… did she actually just shrink? Yes. She's under five feet at the moment, feeling so bad that her looks are actually morphing to immitate the way she sees herself. It's not pretty. "I didn't ever say I wanted sex." She's hurt now, it shows in her voice, her looks, and she's only looking to get around Kori and flee.

"But, you said you don't wish to bed me, so it is not desire!"

"Then if I don't want to bed you, how did you make it into sex?!"

"YOU said it could only be desire if it means making the intercourse!" Koriand'r cries back plaintively. "'It's not desire: I don't want you to take me to bed!"

And well, of all the times for Dani to wander in, this would be the best, wouldn't it? Though at least she's just in jeans and a T-shirt, instead of her Asgardian armor that she was wearing earlier. She blinks a bit in surprise, "Well, if you guys were having sex, I'd think you'd be quieter about it." She leans up against the doorway, giving both Kori and Kamala a bit of a wry look, "I didn't overhear much, but I'm thinking what we have here is a failure to communicate between a Tamaranean and a semi-orthodox practitioner of Islam?" One brow arches, as she does sound slightly amused, but also a bit concerned since, well, Kori's a friend, and Kamala was pretty nice too.

"Though, honestly, I think Asgardians have the right idea in that regard, but that's neither here nor there." With that, she wanders in towards the sink, getting a glass of water. "Um, though, Kamala, I thought you were taller?"

Kamala's hands come up to her face, and she buries her face in those hands. She feels gross. Scared. And like she's about to lose her friend. She shakes for a moment, a sob into her hands. "I didn't say it like that! I said that is emotional, and it means something. Not just sex! It's a feeling, a a…" she shakes her head, her frustration complete.

And then Dani arrives. And the girl's mind breaks. She stares at Dani. Even if the comment was supposed tio be good-natured, even if she could usually shaken it off, her poor frayed nerves collapse. Her skin brightens to a deep red that covers her caramel skin, her breath catches and she just stares with wide-eyes at the two, feeling like she just got ambushed. "No. No no no.." and with that, she's turning and /bolting/ from the room as fast as she can.

Starfire glares at Dani (in a couple of senses of the word, as her eyes flare as brightly as a camera's flash), but she ignores the goading to focus on the important thing: a fleeing Kamala. She kicks off the ground and into the air, since her flight is much faster than her run, and all but tackles Kamala from behind, flinging her arms tightly around the smaller, darker human's ribs.

"I declare the right of resolution by out-hugging it," she declares firmly into Kamala's ear, her chin resting on the smallest human's shoulder.

Dani blinks, and blushes a bit as her joke was… well, definitely not taken in the spirit intended. With that, she chases out after Kamala and Kori, looking rather stricken, "Geez, Kamala, I'm sorry, I didn't mean…" She sighs and hangs back a bit, letting Kori do the hugging thing, shaking her head a little.

There's an oof as Kori presses into Kamala, and the little Desi girl lets out a cry. Is Kori about to crush her for denying her? Is she ever going to live this down? Will she live long enough to live it down? Apparently the answer is yes as Koriand'r pulls Kamala intio a hug and makes her demand, and the young woman buries herself against the statuesque alien and lets out a sob. She doesn't know what to say, everything she's saying is being taken wrong, and for the first time, Dani may see Kamala's powers on display as her arms stretch out to hug Kori in return and hold onto her tightly. "It's not desire, it's emotion." she manages, finally.

Koriand'r still has no idea what that means, but Kamala, hugging as she is, can't see the confusion on her face. Dani might or might not, but Koriand'r does not care at this moment. The important thing is that words will not work here, so she doesn't use them.

(Also, if she was going to kill Kamala, she's do it with starbolts; not that Kamala would know that.)

Dani blinks at the stretching by Kamala, and makes a mental note to herself to ask about that later. As it is, she smiles a little, leaning back against the wall and staying clear for the moment, letting the two hug it out.

Kamala remains hugging Koriand'r for several moments, not sure what else to do. Or say. But for now, the hug is needed. And welcomed, and the young woman just falls silent to accept being held and holding on for dear life.

It's not a particularly intimate hugKoriand'r is flying as to avoid the indignity of picking up the tiny human, so most of her body is horizontalbut it's feverishly warm, and that's something. She holds the embrace for a long time.

Very long time.

Awkwardly long.

"I, er… have we successfully out-hugged?" she asks tentatively, sheepishly. "I have never actually done this before."

Dani smiles a little, "As an impartial observer, I think you're fine." She sighs and comes over, placing a hand on Kori's shoulder if allowed, and looks between the two, "Sorry about the glib comment, I was out of line."

"I think I can tap out?" Kamala asks quietly, ready to pull back, see - arms back to normal. She starts to feel bad that Kori is even feeling awkward, as she looks between the two. "I'm sorry. It's.. a confusing subject for me." she admits quietly.

Koriand'r smiles at Danialways quick to accept an apology is shebut distractedly. She returns her focus to Kamala and releases her, drifting back a few feet, well out of arm's reach… or, well, her own arm's reach, anyway. "No, I am the one who has sorrow. I should know by now I do not discuss such things here. It will not take place again," she promises.

Dani nods over at Kamala, "Yeah, it's pretty confusing for everyone… trust me, I had a… fair amount of culture shock considering how Asgardians act, and coming back here and… well, yeah, bit awkward." She coughs a bit, blushing a little herself as she then grins back at Kori, "Oh, hey, picked up some garlic mustard while I was in Vanaheim, thought you'd like it."

When Dani works on distracting Koriand'r, Kamala nods her head a little. "We'll talk about it.. sometime." not in public. Not here or now, at least. The young woman worries on her bottom lip. She's clearly had enough of an emotional beating today. "I should get going." she offers to the pair. As she is so clearly not going to be in the Young Avengers after this one. She has a lot to prove still.

Koriand'r accepts the mustard with a grateful smile, but before she can even voice her thanks, the obviously still distraught Kamala declares her intention to flee, and Koriand'r must return her attention to her. "It is not well, but I understand," she says sedately, unhappily. She drifts back a few inches, further out of the danger zone of doing something stupid, if not saying something stupid. "I will await your timing, friend Kamala."

Dani looks over at Kamala, "Well, hey, if you ever need help down in Jersey, give us a ring, okay? Nice thing about a flying horse, it gets past the turnpike real easy." She smiles warmly at Kamala, not protesting as Kamala makes to go… but wanting to make sure she knows she's welcome here all the same.

"I have your number, I'll call." With that promise, Kamala slips off to leave the other two. To talk probably. Because she needs that, but it will probably end up being her writing instead. There's a last sad look towards the pair before she steps into the elevator to head downstairs and towards home. It'll be a lonely one.

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