2019-07-25 - Cinnabomb


In which Darcy gets two cinnamon rolls.

Log Info:

Storyteller: None
Date: Thu Jul 25 02:43:31 2019
Location: Central Park

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Theme Song



It's early afternoon, and the summer sun shines down on Central Park. Jimmy is out there again; it's apparently one of his favourite places to study, aside from the library. But he's all caught up right now and just reviewing, while keeping an eye out for anything else interesting in the park.

By interesting, do you mean a girl on old school roller skates and knee pads, rolling around one of the nearby all purpose basketball-like courts? Darcy's pulled her hair up in a ponytail, and she's wearing a crop top and booty shorts over fishnets that show off the bottom of a bruise peeking out of the bottom hem.

Yes, Jimmy means that exactly. Okay, now how to approach this without making her fall over this time — especially since there's a bruise there. He furrows his brow and glances into his medkit. Yes, good, he does have ointment. He clears his throat and steps forwards: into her path, but a fair distance away, and he gives her a wave of greeting. "Yo! Darcy." Still not using nicknames.

Given the distance to come to a spot, Darcy does, nearly doing a split sidewise with her toes pointed inwards. She straightens back up with a broad smile.

"Hiya! What's up, Doc?" Darcy quips cheekily, one hand on her hip.

Jimmy grins back at her. "Not eating a carrot, for one thing." He's not Bugs Bunny. "But things are good. I'm all caught up on things for right now, and now someone cool is happening by. How about you?" He nods down to her leg. "Want someone to look at that bruise?"

"Good. Those are horrible for rabbits," she retorts, smirking. Listening to his describe his day, her head falls to a tilt and her brows quirk a question.

"Someone cool happening by? Who?" she asks before she chases his gaze.

"What? Bruise? Fuck me. Where?" She twists, wheels rolling. The funny part is that she can't really see her own butt cheek and so she just ends up rolling in the start of a circle. It is reminiscent of a dog starting to chase its own tail.

Jimmy laughs, a hand coming up to her shoulder to keep her steady. "Easy, easy. It's right over… look, there aren't any mirrors around here, but take it from me, you have a bruise pretty high up." A picture would make it easier to see, but he's not going to go suggesting that. "And by 'cool person', I mean you, you goof."

"Oh." is said of both the location of the bruise and that she is the cool person. She smiles as she's steadied, and she reaches up to clasp his forearm. Twisting again, she grabs at the bottom hem of her booty shorts to pull them up, hoping she'll be able to see it better. She can't, but it does give Jimmy a better view of it. Perfectly round and three inches in diameter.

"Is it starting to yellow yet? Cause i don't even notice it anymore."

Yeah, it gives Jimmy a better view, alright. So much of a 'better view' that he instead looks straight up, at a passing cloud. "No, no it's still pretty purple. Do you want some ointment for it, or happy to just let it take its course?" He nods towards the bench where he'd been sitting.

Oh, that she noticed. She grins mischieviously, her head dipping once more to the side.

"Are you offering to rub my ass, Jimbo?" Her voice is so dulcid-sweet and innocently-coy as she says this, leaving the hem of short hitched up high.

Jimmy pinches the bridge of his nose. "No, I'm offering to give you a tube of ointment so /you/ can rub your /bruise/. The location's a coincidence." He brings his gaze back from the sky to give her a pouty stare right in the eyes.

It makes Darcy laugh. She snaps her booty shorts back into place.

"Nah. It's fine. Thanks, tho'. Really, I'd forgotten I had it. But I'll go sit on the bench with you, if you want," is offered, her teasing tone relaxing away.

Jimmy nods. "All good, then, and nobody has to go rubbing your ass." He makes a ladies-first gesture towards the bench. "And I'd welcome the company. How's it been going with the derbies? Sorry I haven't come to any more of them, things have been a touch… busy." What with study, and rage curses, and kidnappings, and…

Darcy rolls toward the bench, pushing off and then reaching out to take Jim's arm so his strides can help her maintain the right momentum.

"There goes my Tuesday night," is lamented briefly in response tot he lack of ass-rubs. And then she's off on his topic shift.

"Oh, it's great. Grid Iron's an awesome team. My boss got really annoyed at the bruises though, which is adorable and sweet. I'm not on the full roster yet, so I'm still on the sidelines. But that's okay. I'm sorry your weeks've been crazy as fuck. Wanna vent about it?"

Jimmy walks at a decent pace so she can keep the momentum she needs, but disengages when they reach the bench. He smiles. "Glad it's still been just as good as you were expecting from it. Annoyed — you mean /annoyed/ annoyed, or just concerned?" He considers the last question for a second, and eventually shakes his head. "Nah, I'm good. Some private stuff."

"Annoyed… annoyed? Silly little God of Lies, thought I was lying at him when I told him Sif had nothing to do with it. He's adorable," Darcy says of her boss, shrugging it off as they reach the bench. Freed from Jimmy's arm, Darcy plops herself down, heedless of the bruise.

"Ooh. Private shit's the worst. I hope it gets better for ya, tho'."

Jimmy winces with empathy when she flops down, even if she's ignoring the bruise herself. He sits down beside her. "Ah. So the boss at the Embassy, not in the team. Gotcha." He smiles. "Thanks. Just got to keep on keeping on, right? And how've things been with you otherwise? Found more cinnamon rolls to troll?"

"OH, yeah. My captain was a little worried, but the bruises are photogenic as hell and the team's instagram bruise gallery hashtag's gotten way more follows now for them, so she's not upset. I think sometime she hopes for a new bruise," Darcy rambles, feet rolling on the ground as she talks, ignoring the wince. It happens alot around her. She's gotten used to it.

"Yeah. Keep calm and keep on. Still. You ever need a shoulder to rant on and a partner to slam back shots with, you gimme a holler. Other than His Highness trying to mother hen me, things are good. And no new cinnamon rolls. I would never cheat on you like that!"

Jimmy nods with understanding. The actual captain being PRO-bruise is more like what he'd been expecting. "I'll keep that in mind. Not often the 'shots' kind of guy, though; I'm more the designated driver. Nothing /against/ alcohol, but it's just… not my thing." He chokes at the last, and gives her a long, hard stare. "Why Darcy, I didn't realise how strongly you felt about me." He says it with a tone as dry as the Sahara; yeah, he knows it's all teasing, and he's at least trying to give as good as he gets.

Why shoudl he? He's her straight man, after all. Both in the comedy sense and in the other sense. Darcy, after all, does not discriminate. It's wrong and hateful and just no.

"ooh.. DD. That's hot too," she says before devolving into giggles and leaning toward him to bump his upper arm with her shoulder.

"You're the best cinnamon roll and I love ya, man," is stated with a wide warm grin just before it falls into a pout.

"Fuck. And now I want Cinnabon…"

Jimmy rolls with the bump. "Hot? I didn't realise motor-vehicle responsibility was a turn-on." Still with dryness that an Englishman would be proud of. Her pout, though, makes him tilt his head. "Well, we could go get one if you want. There's bound to be a place near here, right?" It's New York. There's an /everything/ near /everything/. He gathers his satchel up, putting away the books he hadn't yet.

"Responsibility is a turn on. Consent is a bigger turn on. Together?" Darcy shakes her head at the last part, as if to indicate that whatever she could say to describe the level of turn-on-ness would be both highly inappropriate (even for her!!) and not nearly Enough. Of course, that's derailed when he offers to help her find a cinnamon roll she can eat…. in public… without getting arrested for indecency.

"For reals? Bitchin'! Let's do this," she chirps, hopping up to her wheels, twisting around to face him, and rolling backwards with little hops.

"Lesgo lesgo lesgo lesgo…" she chants with each little bounce.

Jimmy slings the shoulder over his satchel as he gets to his feet. "Yeah, though that's not a circumstance where the combination works. If you're downing enough shots that you /need/ a designated driver, then valid consent goes out the window." Her bouncing backwards makes him grin… and glance downward for a split-second before he gets his eyes back under control. "Easy, easy. I need to see where we're going first." Out comes his phone, a quick search, and… "This way." He offers his arm, then starts guiding her along to a little cart farther up in the park.

Darcy blnks at Jimmy's response to the combination. Jimmy used LOGIC. It was SUPER EFFECTIVE. Darcy has SWOONED.

"Damn, boy. You gotta stop talking like that or I'll end up throwing myself at you," she quips, grinning. Her bouncing stops when he asks, and Darcy very patiently waits for him to Find Cinnamon Roll on his map app. Offered an arm, Darcy latches on and rolls right along next to him. Her feet pushing now and then to keep herself from just being a dead weight.

"Yay! Cinnabon!"

Jimmy rolls his eyes at the quip, not taking it seriously. "Yeah, and if you throw yourself at me, I'll end up all sticky from cinnamon buns." There's a decent bit of distance to cover, so he starts on at a faster pace — not quite running, but enough that she glides on her skates rather than dragging along. And soon enough, they're there at the baked-goods stall.

"All the better to lick you," Darcy retorts, enjoying the verbal volley. The quicker pace is just fine with Darcy. She smiles, enjoying the ride until they get to their destination. She inhales, humming softly into a moan on the exhale.

"Ahh… sugar and carbs. How I've missed you since this morning. Come here and let me love you," she tells the aroma before her eyes search for and land on the menu. It takes her 0.4 seconds to find what she wants, and she unwraps herself from Jimmy's arm to roll toward the vendor.

"Cream cheese cinnabomb, extra frosting," is her order.

Jimmy can't keep up with /all/ the banter. The mention of licking brings more of a blush to his face, and he goes silent rather than stammering a non-reply. He steps back as she rolls forward. The vendor delivers the bun in short order, and Jimmy makes his own request. "A jelly donut, please." Ever so polite. He scans around, and nods to another bench. Ah, Central Park's full of them.

Darcy pays up, for Jimmy's too, plus a tip. Nodded toward a bench, Darcy rolls her way over,eyes mostly on her sugary sweet bready goodness. Her tongue flicks out, like a cat thinking about the canary, and as soon as she drops to the bench she brings it up to take a bite of it straight from the paper boat it sits in. The sound is foodgasmic, drifting from her as her eyes close. The smile on her lips is ignorant of the frosting on her nose tip.

"Hmm.. ah! Thanks, Jimmy. This is exactly what I needed right now."

Jimmy smiles his thanks for Darcy's treat and sits beside her on the new bench. He's just about to take a bite out of his own when her… reaction… reaches him. His mouth is left hanging open, his eyes wide and staring. The blush slowly creeps along his neck, extending beyond the view his t-shirt allows.

Too caught up in her sugar fix to notice his reaction, Darcy clears her mouth of her first bite before taking another with a happy humming moan and a smack of lips. She shifts the boat to craddle one handed, so she can use her other hand - now free - to rip off some of the not-frosted interior. This gets dipped into the still warm extra frosting and popped into her mouth.

"Hmm! Ah. Fuck. So good. Yum. Thanks again," she says, turning to the blushing man at her side, thumb in her mouth. She stops and tilts her head.

Jimmy notices a moment later that she's looking at him, and then a moment after that realises he's staring. He coughs, covers his mouth with a hand, and turns away. "I just got a bit surprised. You're pretty…. e-emphatic."

Darcy pulls her now frosting free digit from her mouth with a faint pop, green eyes giving a light blink.

"….Sorry if I… made you uncomfortable. Humming at my food is just… it's a habit I picked up from a friend of mine. He said that it lets the food spirits know you're happy and the chef know their hardwork is appreciated," she explains with the tiniest of pink on her cheeks now.

Jimmy grabs a bottle of water from his bag and downs a good sip. His mouth got a bit dry, hanging open like that. "No! No, you're fine. It's /my/ weirdness and awkwardness, not yours." But he does give her a hard look. "Though that wasn't /humming/. That was downright /moaning/. Oh, and you've got a little—" He takes his napkin and wipes her nose clean.

The question of how to make Darcy Lewis blush is answered as Jimmy explains that what she thought was humming was actually moaning before following that up with wiping frosting off her nose. Silent for a solid five seconds, Darcy dips her chin down the tiniest bit, and turns back to her bun.

"Thanks," she chirps, small and tiny and hey look! Over there! Is that a BIRD?!?! Darcy reaches down to tear herself off another piece of cinnabon bun and eats it without fussing over it.

"Soooo…. Dinner after this?"

wow. Jimmy had not expected Darcy to be capable of blushing. No, he'd figured she was in the business of making /other people/ (especially him) blush. He smiles, shaking his head as he settles back. "It's good to enjoy your food! It just sort of… took me by surprise. You know, a gorgeous woman, making /those/ kinds of sounds." Cough. "Been a while." Oh hey, that /is/ a bird. Definitely not a plane. He mulls the question over for long enough that she might not think he's heard her. But then… "Sure."

"Cool," is the immediate answer, the blush staying put as he lets out that it's been a while. And that he thinks she's gorgeous. She knows she is. After all, you gotta own it, right? But it's still nice to hear it and for it to be so simply and honestly said. And he's not even drunk! Darcy eats a bit more of her desert, eyes trailing over Cental Park.

"Tavern on the Green?" she offers when she spots it.

Jimmy hmms, looking it over. Looking at buildings is so much more comfortable and less awkward. "Sure. It'll remind me of that victory lap after you got on the team." Since they'd gone to Tavern on the Green then, too. He takes a deep breath. "Though at the risk of being weirder and awkwarder. Is this me taking you to dinner in the… you know, one adult taking another adult to dinner kind of way, or?" Because there's no need to specify 'a man taking a woman to dinner'. She doesn't discriminate on those grounds, he knows.

"It'll be like our one month frieniversary," Darcy says on a smile. A smile that fades from bright to something like demure.

"If…you want to make it one adult taking another adult to dinner?" she says in a question, eyes sliding to the side to peer at Jimmy. "As in a date, if you want."

Jimmy's face is almost literally glowing from depth of blush, when she side-peers him. He still hasn't thought to bite into his donut. "Sure." He turns, and though he's still flushed, he also smiles. "That sounds nice. I just… didn't think before that you'd want to, you know? I'd kind of figured that I made for a good troll target, but there wasn't any… you know. Interest."

No interest? Darcy straightens at this, turning toward Jimmy more fully.

"You're respectful. You're thoughtful. You're responsible. You're adorable. You're also hot as fuck because of all those things. Yes, I love trolling you, but I wouldn't love it so much if there WASN'T some interest involved. So, if you wanna do this as a first date thing, we totally can. Or we can just go as friends. I like teasing you to see you blush and get flustered, but I don't wanna make you out right uncomfortable," she explains, hands lowering her too much sugar baked good to her lap.

And Jimmy thought he couldn't blush any hotter, but then she goes and lays it all out like that. He ends up ducking his chin. And wishing he was wearing his coat, afternoon sun aside, just so he had a collar to hide in. "O-Oh. Thank you. And you… you're fun. The teasing is fun, honestly, and pushing to the edge of my comfort zone is just… I'm not going to /learn/ to be more comfortable if I don't try? And even for all the teasing, you're sweet and thoughtful too." He chews his lower lip. "Maybe a happy medium? A no-pressure first date, and see what happens from there. It's a date, not an engagement, right?"

"Right!" crows Darcy, the smile back; large and bright as the sun.

"That's what dates are for. So get to know each other and see if there's enough there to make it more, and if there isn't, we'll at least have had some good times," she says before suddenly growing serious and holding up one finger.

"There's only thing that I need in this…"

Jimmy nods firmly. "Right. That's the point of dating. Good times, and getting to know each other. Nothing more or less than that." He blinks at the raised finger. When she mentions needing something, a joke does occur to him… but it's wayyyy more than he's up for saying. So he just asks, "What's that?"

"Honesty. You don't like something, tell me. I don't like something, I tell you. You stop feeling it or enjoying it, you say so. And I'll do the same. Cause heartbreak sucks, but happens if we aren't talking to each other, and one side starts feeling more than the other and little things start to fester and-" Jimmy had better jump in here before the Darcy Ramble Express gets up to speed.

Jimmy stops her short with a hand on her shoulder. "Yes. Honest, open communication is important." There's a slight pang there; there's something fundamental which he /hasn't/ been honest about yet. But, the time for that will come, and hopefully when they're not out in public. "So if there's something up, then we should discuss it. And…" Yeah, even if he's not going to sprout wings, there's something he should say. "Like, um, looking. A friend of mine is a… dancer. Are you comfortable with me seeing that, or would you rather I keep to more, uh, covered-up scenarios?"

Darcy is stopped by that hand. Her eyes fall to it as it distracts before she looks back up into his face. She smiles, small and sweet and almost vulnerable, when he agrees to being honest with her about how things are going between them. She nods to it, before stilling and waiting for him to say what's on his shoulders. And for a moment, she's confused before her mind jumps to a conclusion and she runs with it.

"You've got a stripper friend? Oh, fuck yes. That's fine. Ask her if I can take lessons," Darcy says, all too happy to jump on that wagon now that the Honesty part's out in the open. "Does she pole dance? Cuz, fuck that's hot as hell."

Jimmy chokes, a hand coming up to his face and shielding his eyes. Those are mental images he doesn't need right now. "I-I'll talk with her," he mumbles. "And I think so? I wouldn't know, I haven't exactly seen her on stage. But she's a very… body-comfortable sort of woman. Name's Priscilla, I could see about introducing you two, too?"

"Yet. You haven't seen her on stage, yet," Darcy helps him correct himself, before nodding and sitting back to get more of her cinnamon bun.

"Ooh, that's be shiny. But only if you're cool with it," she adds around her next mouth full.

Jimmy rubs both hands over his cheeks. Maybe he can get some circulation going. "I wasn't sure I was /going/ to see her on stage. But we have been talking about having dinner together, as a just-friends thing, and I was thinking about getting her /not/ to dress like a nun for the sake of my tender constitution. With… whatever that'd end up meaning."

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh," Darcy coos, eyes wide and a bright smile on her face. Of course, knowing that he's maybe dating a stripper is also noted, and Darcy nods to this. Jimmy's got a thing the girls like. This is now very clear.

"Hot." she says finally, chuckling at his blush.

Jimmy's cheeks look like they might outright explode, at this point. Too much pressure build-up. And normally, Darcy's the one who bruises easily. He gives her a pouty look at her teasing. "I don't expect anything to actually /happen/ except for someone comfortable with nudity to hang out wearing a bit less while talking over dinner. I mean, probably not even wearing less than you're wearing right now." Not that Jimmy's let his gaze spend too long below chin level.

"I am totally comfortable with nudity too," Darcy notes, grinning at his pout. Coupled with the blush, it's stupid cute. "If that helps?" She's pretty sure thta won't, but still. Trolling must continue!

"But. speaking of dinner. We agreed to an actual first date dinner right now at the Tavern. I'm totally not dressed to impress you, but if you're okay with that, I'm okay with that and we can always to a crazy fancy dinner date thing some other time… if we like how this date goes."

Jimmy can't blush or pout any more, but at her comment, he gives a choked whine. An audible complement to the visuals. "No, no it doesn't. Because now, a quarantined corner of my mind is picturing you /and/ Priscilla naked." He sighs, shaking his head, and works to quarantine it harder. "Yes. I mean, it's a little early for dinner" Or at least, feels early, with the summer day length. "but I think /not/ dressing up for it makes it feel more casual, more no-pressure, more just… 'see where this goes', rather than making it out to be a big /thing/. You know?"

"Well. If she's into that, I'm down. Either with you watching or joining in," Darcy states with a careless shrug and a sly smirk. She's good at breaking those quarantines!

"Hmm. You've totes got a point. As we are it is. Hopefully they'll let me in with my skates. I sorta just rolled myself out here," she says, straightening her knees to look at her taped up skates. Beaten up and well worn, she should probably replace them.

"And we agreed to after dessert, remember?" she teases, winking.

Jimmy's whine turns more into a choke, and he rubs his temples. Massage hasn't managed to get his blood flowing any better, but maybe it can get the thoughts flowing, and flowing /out/. He hms, looking down at the skates. "Might have some issue with the effect on the floors, but… well, do you have any other shoes with you? I don't think they'd want bare feet, either…" He tilts his head at her. "After dessert? You mean after these?" Oh right, he has a donut. He finally actually takes a bite.

And at the choke, Darcy snickers. That's were she leaves that teasing. She looks back at her skates again, wiggling her legs to wag her feet side to side.

"Nope. I rolled out here. Hadn't planned on doing anything more than roll around and head home. Dinner with you sounds totes better that just heading home so… I can explain it to the hostess, or whatever, and if they don't want me in wheels or socks, then… we'll hit a bad for us food truck or hell, I'll DoorDash 'em!" she laughs, because where there's a will there's a way.

Jimmy laughs over the donut. "Because bad-for-us baked goods aren't enough bad-for-us." He packs the bitten donut back into the bag and rolls it up; he can save dessert for later. "Sure. We'll take a shot, and if it turns out we need to just get takeout and head somewhere more skates-comfortable, c'est la vie."

"Of course it's not. Go big or go home," Darcy retorts, laughing brightly. Watching him roll his doughnut up, she looks down at her half finished item.

"Alright. Lemme just-" Darcy interrupts herself by shoving half of what was left into her mouth, so her cheek puffs out like a squirrels. More frosting ends up on her nose and on a cheek and on her lips. Despite it, she chews with determination.

Jimmy tucks the rolled-up donut into his satchel — woo satchel, so convenient! — and rises to his feet. "You underestimate how willing I am to go home." When she stuffs it into her mouth, he's left blinking… and then he laughs, shaking his head. "Cute." Why yes, he did just call her cute. He offers her a hand, ready to help her glide along to the restaurant.

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