2019-06-02 - Agents R Us


Ian and Fitz have a talk

Log Info:

Storyteller: {$storyteller}
Date: 06/02/2019
Location: Shield HQ

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Ian comes on into the lab, wearing his full gear, with the tactical helmet under his arm. The earpiece is in one ear, and the chinstrap hangs loosely from the helmet. He is currently armed with the standard sidearm is all…no bigger weapons. Ian is an agent of a couple years. Depending on clearance, he would be known either as a Russian Defector, or something more.

Leo Fitz went on haiatus after an op he was on with Clint and one other went absolutely upside down. The lead engineer has finally returned and swivels in his chair, fingers in his hair with a sigh of frustration. "Yeah iI knooooow you want me to jus tread the code but I'm not…" He winces turning in ins chair to the person walking in and he just stops, stricken looking at Ian. Hell it takes him a bloody whole moment to blink and pull his faculties together. "Oh… sorry I thought you were… um… Hey." He looks to the helmet then to Ian, "Something rbeak?"

Ian sets the helmet down and stares at Leo with his smallish eyes. "No…I'm fine." There's a pause and another stare. Then he clears his throat. "Agent Warner might just be messing with me. He said you needed a volunteer for some sort of…test? Agent Fitz, right?" Another pause and he shifts on his feet. "I'm Agent Ian. Who did you think I was?"

Leo Fitz blinks. "Ah! Right the…um, the volunteer." Looking back to the computer and then back to Ian he looks a bit apologetic, "Sorry I thought you were division from upstairs asking me about another project I've just been slamming my head into the dash about. NONO, jes… You're the lad withteh leg, yeah? The onw we're going to work on Project Jumpstart with. I'm…sorry. Agent Fitz. It's been a looong day, mate."

Ian lifts his shoulders, then crosses his arms. "Yeah…they call me Leg Lad…Agent Leg Lad." DRY, like beyond British Dry, so dry it might be true, grumpy grampa dry…that's what it is. His face, flat in expression, continues to look at Fitz, seriously.

Leo Fitz seems unphased and undaunted, or is just used to Clint picking on him, but either way the answer of 'yes, I'm that guy' seems to put some energy into him. "Brilliant. I have some questions for you before weeeee take a look at some of the ideas for this project we have. Umm yooou are…" He pauses trying to find a tactful way of broaching it. "Yoooou have been part of specialized training." There. tactful! "You have piloting experience? I need to know before we sort of put you in a position to test things without the proper training for it of sorts."

"Dr. Wallace says not to talk too much about myself…since it makes people uncomfortable. But, you're a Dr. right? I was raised in specialized training…and I can fly almost anything…and land almost as many things." Ian grins at the end of that dry joke, then adjusts the straps a slight amount on his vest. His voice is damn near chipper, with the Russian accent always present.

Leo Fitz pauses and considers the question and goes to answer, pauses and looks uriously to Ian, "Well… technically yes. not that kind, but, yes." He pauses and asks in Russian with a slight Ukranian bent, "If this is easier for you or you prefer let me know." Still the engineer lets the tale play out, leaning back against his monitor, fingers lacing overhead, thumbs drumming on his head and he squints, "Wow, sounds like a shite childhood, mate. No offense. Well, the good news is I have an idea based on the basic schematics they've given me to work with. I've really wanted to work on maximizing yourutility for you, but make it unable to set off a detector in case of opposition security… with a bit more bounce in your bungee as it were."

"Oh, so you wanna improve the leg then? Do I need to take it off? And I guess it was shitty which is why I'm required to see Dr. Wallace once a week, but /whatever/…I get to do what I love, so…" Ian throws one hand in the air and then sits down. "You ever build battlebots in here?"

Leo Fitz answers drily arching an eyebrow, "Your dream in life is to eat dodgy food from teh caf? Your youh really was rough." Dry humor, the Scots taught the English that one. Your move, Ian. "You knooooooo, I have." The grin turns a bit wry as it makes a slow appearance. "But the bots on the show weren't allowed to fly." God he's pleased witht aht. "Which brings me to why I wanted to work on this project. If it's going to be attached to you I don't want some blasted numty landing you wrong and doing you a bad turn. Blasted amateurs."

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