Summary:Kori and Reed discuss the particulars of the new living arrangements. Log Info:Storyteller: None |
Related LogsTheme SongNone |
The move-in for the Young Avengers is going fairly well. Oh there were some hangups and incidents. Getting Dani's horse up the freight elevator was a nightmare. But they're moving along at a good clip. Even helping with construction and remodelling, moving heavy things and doing some of the labor that skilled hands and superpowers significantly accelerates.
Kori's in the kitchen, surrounded by boxes and boxes of non-perishable goods. She's in a tied-off black tee that says SPLAK ATTACK in bold letters, and pink-and-grey high-waisted leggings. No shoes, but that's probably because the Tamaranean woman doesn't put foot to ground except to make other people comfortable around her.
"Noodles. Noodles, Noodles… ah!" She puts the Ramen into the larder under 'P'. Pasta, maybe?
It's a late evening and most of the other Young Avengers are asleep or withdrawn for the evening. It seems Kori needs very little sleep on a night-to-night basis.
Reed takes the elevator down to the Young Avengers area of the Baxter Building. When it opens he steps inside, glancing around to see how the robots he's sent to do the construction are faring. Apparently the help from the superfolk has sped things up, since it seems like they're getting close to done. But then, he did say it would only take a few days. He begins to move room to room, inspeting the craftmanship and various bits and pieces to ensure it's being done properly. Eventually, this brings him to the kitchen. He stops at the entrance, checking for signs of any of her roommates. None to be seen, apparently. "Good evening, Miss Koriand'r." He inclines his head to the orange-skinned alien girl. "I see you're busy even this late at night."
Kori pivots in the air to respond to the voice. A brilliant smile washes across her features. "A joyous evening for you as well, Mister Fantastic Doctor Reed Richards!" Kori informs the fellow. "Your timing is most fortuitous. I have been making of the foods for the team, so they awake with comfort in the morning."
She dips and twists through the air and retrieves two trays from the oven. "Behold! Crickets, covered in chocolate," she says. It's … crickets. Pan-roasted, not fried and covered in Hershey's syrup. "And I have made more of the tart pops with sriracha and mustard. Oh! I am the rude. May I offer you a beverage of some kind?" she inquires, solicitously.
Reed's lips twitch and he says, "Really, you can just call me Reed." He steps closer, then eyes the trays when she takes out her offering. "…no, that's alright. I shouldn't be eating this late." He clears his throat then adds, "It seems like your group will be able to move in tomorrow more than likely. It will be nice having such… energetic tenants as yourself and your friends." He begins to pace around the kitchen, absently checking the various fixtures, the very large fridge, turning on the water briefly to test that it's running, that sort of thing. "Have there been any difficulties so far?"
"Dani's horse was not happy about the move, friend Reed," Kori says dutifully. "But we put her on the southern access where there is a courtyard. He seems to be content there, and Dani has promised to clean up after him daily." She glances around, leans over. "He poops a great deal," she confides.
A handful of crickets are tossed into Kori's mouth and crunched on. She doesn't seem to mind the mess they make. "Some of them have special environmental needs we are attempting to address as well. Rose, for instance, insists she cannot live without her …" Kori's brow furrows. "It is an unfamiliar word, one that translates badly in my head." She takes a breath. "Keeegereaaator," she says, fumbling through it.
Reed raises a brow. "I suppose the stable area hasn't been finished yet then. I'll make sure that the robots make that a priority." He avoids watching her crunch on the insects. He's not a squeamish man or anything. He's probably eaten far worse on alien planets. But still. "Special needs you say? I did ask if there was any individual requests from the group when I was at the mansion. If you give me a list of them, I can see about dealing with these special needs." His brow briefly furrows as he deciphers the word she had trouble. "Keg…erator?" He thinks for a moment, then his face clears. "Ah. I think I know what she means. I'm sure she can manage that on her own."
"Oh, we are more than willing to pay for these exceptional items," Kori insists. "I have asked everyone to be *very honest* in their requests. Do not ask for anything more than what they absolutely require. So I do not expect anyone will ask for anything more than their basic needs. I have been charging these expenses to the black card," she tells Reed.
"You have been very kind to us in letting us use these facilities. I spoke to a friend and he said that it was the custom of this place to purchase anything beyond what a landlord is required by law to provide. I am grateful for your offer but I don't want to 'shove my fortune', as you say."
The gray-temped scientist lets out a chuckle at that. "I believe you mean push your luck, Miss Koriand'r." He stops, turning towards her. "I appreciate the effort to handle things yourselves. But, if something is truly necessary, don't hestitate to talk to me. I am trying to support you all in your work, after all." He crosses his arms over his chest. "I know that sometimes those with special abilities have environmental needs. Is there anybody like that in your group? Somebody that requires a certain temperature to operate, or a certain atmosphere."
"Nothing particularly exceptional comes to mind," Kori says in her sweet voiced tones. "For the most part it is an issue of personal preferences. Nate is instaling psychokinetic dampners to help him sleep. Rahne prefers a cool and dark place to sleep at night. If we recruit someone who has special environmental needs that may be a risk to the building, I will of course let you know," she assurs Reed.
"And what of yourself and your family? Is everyone amenable to our new living situation?" Kori tosses more crickets into her mouth. A few of them on the tray are moving, albeit listlessly.
One of Reeds brows raise curiously. "Psychokinetic dampeners, you say? Interesting. I wonder if he'd mind my taking a look at those." His tone is musing. Then he gives his head a shake and adds, "Yes, I would appreciate it if you informed me of anybody who could prove a danger to the building itself." He leans back against the counter. "What of your friend who stayed in full costume? They seemed quite enthusiastic about staying here. More than the others did." His lips curve again. "And then there's the young lady with the eyepatch. The one who's the daughter of a mercenary, apparently. She seemed to be somewhat enthusiastic in her own way as well."
"Oh, I think we are all exceptionally dangerous," Kori says with a blink of her eyes. "Myself, Nate, and Noh-Varr perhaps in the most immediate sense. Hawkeye and Blackbird— the one with the masque" she draws a palm over her face "are both extremely intelligent, as is Spider-Man. Valkyrie, Ravagar— Rose— and Wolfsbane are least likely to accidentally destroy the building's infrastructure."
"Rose likes to say mean things and throw bottles and only sometimes stabs people," Kori explains. "But I think she is a good person."
"Spider-Man? Interesting." Redd rubs at his chin for a few moments then straightens up. "I'm sure I'll get to know them all more as time goes on. Ms. Wilson expressed an interest in a certain mode of transporation. I should catch her sometime to discuss specific details with her." He tilts his head. "And you mentioned having several pets, I believe?"
"Oh! Yes, my bumgorfs! I will fetch them!"
Kori levitates higher and arrows towards the center of the floor, where the rooms are located. There's a sound of doors whispering and closing, an angry screech, some hissing, and then she flies back with two… things in each arm. One looks like a fat, segmented caterpillar with droopy eyes and a grey carapace. The other is an absolutely monstrous tom rabbit, all white with furiously pink eyes.
"Behold! This is my Silkie. I have had him for many years," Kori tells Reed, and offers him the miniatute giant silkworm to pet. Or… look at. "And this is Fluffers! I saved him from the girl at high school who dresses like the dancers at Obsidian Palace."
She beams and holds the rabbit out. His nose wriggles, snifing, and then it bares half-inch razor fangers at Reed's proximity.
Reed blinks when the alien girl goes flying off. He listens curiously to the sounds from the other room. When she returns with her pets, he studies them with some amount of curiosity. "Fascinating." He takes the silkworm from her with no overt signs of discomfort, supporting it properly and turning it this way and that to examine it. "The result of genetic engineering I take it? The work looks vaguely familiar, though I can't quite place where I've seen something like this before." He and his team have dealt with a LOT of weird things over the years. Giant bugs were probably part of it at one point. Or several. He lightly rubs the top of her head. "Hello, Silkie. You're an adorable augmented member of the bombyx mori species, aren't you?" He smiles at the bug.
The he gives a look at the oversized rabbit, his brows twitching. "Hmmm. You… don't really look genetically modified, I think." He eyes the razor fangs for a few moments curiously. "Perhaps a genus from an alternate world?" He reaches out, stretching his arm to let him come at the rabbit from behind and carefully rub it behind the ears. "It's nice to meet you as well."
The rabbit hisses and then starts thumping a foot in midair as he's scratched. Kori beams at Reed's deft handling of the 'bumgorfs'. "Indeed! He is a miniature giant space moth larvae. I do not know how large he will get. They sometimes do not moult for much of their lifetime. Others enter a chrysalis phase quite early and then start consuming local wildlife at a significant rate."
She curls her rabbit into her arm like a baby and scratches its belly. It hisses, bites her finger (to zero effect), then gives up, suckles her fingertip, and goes to sleep.
"I think it is the time of the beddings for my sweet bumgorfs, friend Reed," Kori tells the scientist. She accepts Silkie back from him. "If you will of course, excuse of me to leave," she adds with a polite little midair bow.