Summary:Noriko and Carin go shopping. Carin gets new sneakers, and Noriko gives an inspirational speech. Log Info:Storyteller: None |
Related LogsTheme SongNone |
"Okay, so we should probably start at a department store or something to get you the basics, unless there's a more specific store you want to hit up. They gave you your stipend card, right?" Nori stretches as the pair walks into the mall, pausing in front of the map. "What looks good to you?" As Carin's new roomate, Noriko had decided that it was her job to help the other teen get settled in. Plus, getting to go hang out in town with an official excuse, /and/ getting to help a friend? Perfect.
Carin ums, digging around in her pocket a bit until she pulls out a debt card. "This one, right? I just use it like a credit card?" she says, following after the other girl as they walk. "Um…well, I guess underclothes would be nice for a start….I mean, I don't super need a bra but still…"
"Yeah. THey give you money once a month to use for stuff that's not provided by the school. Clothes, extra food you want, stuff like that. And yeah, I guess you kind of need everything, don't you." Noriko leads the way to one of the endcap department stores, careful not to lose Carin in the crowd. "Always good to have a couple, though. Especially for high speed stuff." The blue haired teen grins.
Carin gets a faint blush. "Um, actually, not…hugely. I mean…" She holds out an arm. "Here, feel for a sec." she says after a moment of hesistation. "They kinda…unintentionally fixed that. Though it's kinda good I'm not, like, hugely topheavy or something."
Nori offers Carin a metal-clad hand. "Sorry abotu the static. Kinda a hazard of being me. …Either way, I think those are over here…" Down an escalator and over to the right section of the store. "You can go ahead and pick out what you want if you know your size. Any general room furnishings I should pick up too, or…?"
Carin holds still as the other girl squeezes her arm. There's a definite lay of firmness under the skin, where her arm just doesn't..give, after a certain point. "Kevlar implants." Carin says simply. "All over my body. So, I sort of have built in support. Though I'm sure they weren't thinking of that." She frowns. "…at least, hope they weren't thinking of that. Ew." She shivers a bit. "Um…can I get a TV ,do you think? Or is that too much? I mean, Cessily got me a PLaystation, but I don't have anything to plug it into now…"
"…Huh. I've just got whatever armor's built into the uniforms these days." Nori also shivers at the thought of creepy scientists. "TV's probably workable, although it might be cheaper to look at Craigslist or something instead of buying new. Or who knows, Dr. McCoy might have something lying around."
"Oh, good point…" Carin says thoughfully. "Um, well, then, I dunno. I guess…there are sheets and a mattress and a pillow and all that, so I'm pretty good with room stuff?" She pauses. "Um..maybe…a poster or…or something. A plant?" She asks like she's expecting that'll be too much as well, really.
"Yeah, we can definitely do decorations and stuff. You've probably got a bit extra so you can furnish your room and stuff, so we can do most stuff within reason." Nori tries to give Carin a reassuring shoulder squeeze. …It's somewhat defeated by the gauntlets, but the intent's there. "Posters, plants, a new desk lamp or fan or something…"
"…a fan would be nice…" Carin says uncertainly. Being that she's never really HAD any money to do stuff like this, she's a bit unsure what she shoudl spend money on. "I mean…uh…sure. Something like that. Something so it's not all…empty."
"Okay, We can talk while you try things on." Nori leans against a wall, pulling out her phone and starting to make a list. "Okay… Fan, Plants… Any particular kind of posters, or do you just want to take a look at what they have?"
The redhead speedster is noticing, at this point, that both girls are getting looks. Nori for her metal gauntlets, and Carin for her pale skin and coppery hair. She unconsciously moves a little closer to Noriko, shrinking in on herself a but. "Um, we can just, um, look around…do you you need things first? We can look at your things first…"
Nori gives Carin another reassuring shoulder squeeze. "I don't really need anything. And don't worry, everyone knows Xavier's is nearby. Nobody's going to give us shit or try anything, and if they do we can just outrun them. I'm here for you. If you want we could go get the fan and stuff first, though."
Carin frowns a little, but nods, staying close to Nori still. "Well…um…probably first, we should get sneakers." she admits after a moment. "Because I burn through a lot of 'em. Cheap ones are fine. Running shoes are good if they've got a sale or something, but can't be canvas, it catches fire." she says after a moment of thought."
"Okay, that's something pretty simple. We can probably talk to Dr. McCoy about that too, and he can make some more durable ones or something. What size are you?" Nori leads the way over to the shoe section, starting to poke through what athletic shoes are on sale.
"7 and a half or an eight, depending?" the pale speedster says as she follows after, grateful to be hidden amid the tall shelves for the shoe department and out of sight. "Um, how long have you been at the mansion?" she says, starting to look through some of the shoes on display fo rideas.
"Bit over a year now. I was a street kid and they took me in. Without some way to regulate my powers, I was having some pretty major issues. Had to buy downers to keep my mind from just running out of control." Nori bites her lip, gesturing to a pair that look like they might suit Carin. "Honestly, my life's been pretty amazing since I settled in."
Carin tilts her head a bit, pulling out a pair of green sneakers and looking them over. "Oh! Ah…yeah…" She frowns. "I was…fostered, before the whole kidnapping stuff, I never really had anyone to teach me or stuff. I just got used to running awya fast when I could…" She frowns. "I mean, when I could…"
"Well, you've got us now. Although you've definitely got me beat on the speed front." Noriko offers a bit of a grin. "It's a good color for you. And that's pretty much what Xavier's is all about. Teaching us how to use our powers to help people, or just how to manage them and live in society."
"Oh? How fast can you go?" Carin says curiously. "I didn't know you were fast, just that you zapped stuff…" she admits, then carrie sthe shoes over to start lacing them up so she cna try them on. "And…they taught you to defend yourself too?"
"I don't think I've ever broken the sound barrier? I can either throw electricity, or use it to boost myself." Nori zips a few feet to the right in a blue flash. "And they're big on that. Martial arts stuff, self defense training, that kind of stuff."
Carin nods thoughfully. "They taught me to fight…I mean, I'd rather just throw or stuff and run away than actual fight, you know…" she admits, pulling on the shoes, then hopping to her feet to walk around in them a bit, flexing one foot behind her leg as she gest a serious thoughful look. "I mean…I don't know lots of stuff. They didn't think a lot of things were worth teaching to me, and I get moved around so much I never really got to stay in school…"
"There's all sorts of regular classes too. All the basics that you'd get in a regular high school or college, plus the exotic stuff. There's a few students that honestly just go here to learn how to use their powers in a controlled environment and never plan on being X-Men or anything." Nori leans back against the shelf, watching as Carin admires the new shoes. "It's nice to feel normal."
Carin sighs, then leans back, thumping her head against the shelf. "…and I'm gonna be way behind all of you guys." she mutters, frowning. "Stuck in special needs again…"
"Carin. Look at me." Nori steps over, gripping the speedster by both shoulders. "You're not stuck. There's plenty of people with situations like yours where either through life circumstance or general weirdness, they didn't have the chance to get a normal education. Hell, I was homeless for four years. But I caught up. And so can you. I'll help tutor you."
Carin frowns a bit, peering up at you through her bangs as she shifts. "…really? I mean…I guess it's a better school than the ones I've been in before…." she admits. "But I'm 18, I'm kinda a mega-loser already for not getting out of high school.
"Well, That means I must've been one for not being in high school at seventeen. Carin. You're /fine/." Nori squeezes a bit harder. "You're a good person, you've got cool powers, and you're going to study the SHIT out of high school. You're gonna do great."
Carin gets a shy look, squirming in her seat. "I'm gonna try…" she says softly. "This is the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. You're the first people who've just…cared, since my sister. And I dont' even know where she is. Or if she's still alive. Or in prison, or…"
"We're gonna find her, Carin. We're the X-Men. We help people. It's what we do." Nori gives her the grin again, before looking down. "So. Shoes? What do you think? If you like these, we can box them up and take a look at another section."