Summary:Ian keeps an eye on the Disaster Zone while some civvies wander through. Log Info:Storyteller: None |
Related LogsTheme SongNone |
Ian is a pretty average-looking fellow, wearing typical young adult clothing, snug jeans, loose shirt, trendy jacket, but the keen eye can tell that he's also wearing something under it. He's on the short side of average for a male, and is making up for that with a little extra dash of swagger. If one watches long enough, he is definitely watching the entrance to the Disaster Zone, seeing who comes and goes through there.
Kimiko Tatsu is emerging from one of the subway stations, blinking at the sunlight that is much brighter than where she's spent the better part of the last hour. With her grey skin and eerie orange-on-black eyes, she gets quite a few doubletakes. Dressed in a casual jeans and T-shirt with a backpack on one shoulder she takes a moment to try to orient herself. Then, with a frown, she steps over towards Ian.
"Pardon me," The odd-looking woman's English has a Brittish accent, a bit at odds with her Japanese appearance. "I'm looking for Lexington Avenue. Would you happen to know which way that is?"
Sundays are busy days when you work Monday through Friday and often Saturday as well … even if the "work" involved is a little unusual. Avril follows Kimiko out of the subway, a few yards behind her, in a red top and a pair of old and well-worn jeans; she has a light scarf wrapped around her neck. Slung over one shoulder is a big jute tote bag mostly full of fresh produce that she's probably just come back from acquiring at some local market that hasn't had time to become trendy yet. She does seem to know where she's going, since she turns to the right at once, but pauses once away from the subway exit to scan the sky.
Ian tilts his head, pondering. "I…hang on." Then he pulls out his phone and types in Lexington Avenue. He keeps glancing at the Disaster Zone. "So…what place are you looking for? Starbucks?" He asks in a Russian accent, but its watered down by growing up as a teenager in the US. When he sees Avril looking up at the sky he says, "Spiderman isn't around here at the moment. I woulda seen."
Kimiko Tatsu shakes her head at Ian's question, rattling off an address. "I'm looking at apartments." She supplies. Given her skin and eye color, she'd probably have better luck over in Mutant Town, but the neighborhood is a bit run down there.
A short chuckle is offered to Ian even as she glances towards Avril when he speaks to her. "I think I could find a Starbucks just by throwing a stone." A glance is given towards the Disaster Zone. "Well. Maybe not in that direction."
Hearing the conversation is enough to pull Avril's attention away from the cloudy blue overhead, and she turns toward where Ian and Kimiko are speaking. "Hey," she says, with a nod to each. "Pardon me for interrupting, but I couldn't help overhearing. Lexington Av's over that way," she says, pointing, "but if you try to take the straight route you're going to get lost 'cause of all the wreckage around Carroll Gardens. What you want to do," she continues, shifting her tote bag to her other shoulder and grimacing, "is go west about six blocks, /then/ start to cut north, and you'll get there a lot faster."
"People live in there still, you know? They can't afford to move out, so they just…stayed. They keep their doors shut all the time." Ian's Russian accent gets a little heavier as he starts telling a ghost story, basically. "And there are cave-ins…weird patroling drones, kinda…lawless." He grins and looks over Kimiko's grey skin and firey eyes. He eyeballs her, then Avril when the lady starts giving lengthy directions. "You sure you want Lexington anyway? They can be a little snobbish."
Kimiko Tatsu's mouth presses into a line as she listens to the directions, nodding a bit so Avril knows she's paying attention. She glances back towards the disaster area as Ian tells his tale. "I'd have thought something more would be done to help them. The whole area seems unsafe."
When Ian notes Lexington is snobbish, after looking over her obvious… differences, her spine straightens a bit. "A co-worker recommended it to me." She bites back the knee-jerk comment that he's saying that because of her looks.
For a moment Avril looks a little offended, a frown crossing her face — although it's not clear whether at what Ian's said or what Kimiko's said. It doesn't last long, either way. "It's true," she admits, "there's been a lot done already, but there was a /huge/ amount to be done to start with, so it can be hard to tell. And it's not easy, cleaning up the Zone, because there's still so much in there that's connected to the rest of the city. If you bulldoze a pile of rubble and there's an electrical cable in there that's still taking power to the southern half of the city —" She winces. Hopefully she's not speaking from personal experience.
Ian doesn't seem to feel bad. He lifts up his hands though, in surrender. "Yeah…stuff like that…" He agrees mildly. "I hope you find the place…sounds like a bit of a walk from here, but I'm not sure what the subway stations are like. I use a bike to get around. Do you live on Lexington?" He asks of Avril.
Kimiko Tatsu shakes her head, thinking of those that Ian's painted a picture of, trapped in there. "You would just think, for all the boasts of being the richest country in the world, in it's most well-known city, that if there were those that wanted out, a place would be made for them." The Japanese woman forces a strained smile to her lips and bows her head a bit to Avril. "Your pardon. I was merely wondering aloud."
"No," Avril says to Ian, with a quick shake of her head, "I live on Hicks, over in the Heights. We got lucky, most of the really serious destruction was like ten or twenty blocks east of us." A rueful smile. "But we still had to replace all the glass in our windows. It was a mess." She gives Kimiko a curious look, and says: "Well, we do all we can. There's a lot of people who need help, and a lot of places other than New York that need help. If we focused on everybody in Brooklyn, what would happen to the people in Guatemala or the Middle East or Southeast Asia?" She doesn't look entirely comfortable with this answer, but it's the best she can do on short notice.
Ian nods faintly. "Well…I'm actually trying to help them right now. I'm keeping watch on this way in…and letting authorities know when it happens. People aren't supposed to go in there. But, you know…criminals /are/ anyway." Then he holds up a hand. "I gotta go. Good luck both of you…where you are going."
There's no outward specific reaction from Kimiko when Ian says he's letting authorities know… But there is a certain *lack* of reaction instead. The grey-skinned woman isn't really keen on attracting the attention of the authorities or the criminal element. As Ian heads off she gives him a polite smile and that nod that's a slight bow of her upper body before turning back to Avril. "Thank you for the directions, I should get going as well."
Avril, by contrast, eyes Ian with a degree of skepticism. Maybe he /is/ doing what he says, maybe he isn't … either way, she evidently decides it's not her responsibility to find out, much less do anything about it. Instead she turns back to Kimiko. "Sure, no problem," she says; "happy to help. You're pretty sure you can find it okay?"
Kimiko Tatsu gives Avril a polite smile and nods. "Yes, thank you. It seems it's a bit more of a walk than expected." And she doesn't want to be late. Because that would just be too ironic. A time manipulator being late.