2019-05-05 - Waffles Please


Loki and Reno have a chat

Log Info:

Storyteller: {$storyteller}
Date: 05/05/2019
Location: New York

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"That is true. And recently, I have discovered that waffles can also have blueberries in them…which…I absolutely insist upon from now on. I have /even/ heard a legend that there is such a thing as a chocolate waffle, but, I am willing to deny myself that pleasure and build up to it." Loki grins at the birb. "It is true…I am a magnificent prince. Now…tell me, anyone broken your heart lately?"
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Reno widens a grin amused as hell that a waffle has the power to make even the mighty get gooey over breakfast. "MAaaan I'll tell you, it's what's good in life ya know?" At the story of his personal life he flinches slightly but shakes his head. "Not in like the last 38 years, man. I gave up tryin after that soldier from Vanaheimtried to kidnap your dad's lil buddies an thought I was it. I just gave up tryin. IT's jsut easier. So naw, really I mean I'm good. I'm alright." He looks around and falls silent. There's soemthing he almost ays but keeps it under his hat for now. "We still got a lot to take care of. We busy guys, man."

The Prince makes a humming sound. "So much to do…/so much/. But, you know…you /should/ see about living life to the fullest while you can still be a person. Here on Midgard, its a /little/ safer than some of the other realms."

Reno looks up a bit caught offguard by that and looks around. "You mean not live like a bird all the time? I know. I mean I get out… and whatnot." Slouching back in his seat he looks around and really embraces the wake up on that. "You sayin yous think I'm hidin or that you need the apartment cause ya know, I get it. Ic an go perch elsewhere, man."

Loki chuckles. "Nooooo…that's not at /all/ what I am suggesting. I am suggesting going out and getting your heart broken. Unless…there is some reason not to." Loki pries, with a sly expression on his face.

Reno blinks and offers, "Caaaaaaaause it fuckin hurts? Aaaaaaaand every time… I keep findin someon interestin that ruffles me feathers?" His nose wrinkles and he itches thie bridge of it embarassed, but honest, "I keep hookin em up with someone else." He's very quick to add, "But hey it works out an there's like 8 people, historically at least, I introduced that's now married and doin real well so… I mean I count this as a victory or somethin."

"I suppose. Its your choice, in the end. Its not as if I can /force/ you." Loki looks to the side. "There was something on your mind though. Should I let that go too?" he taps his pale fingers on the arm of the chair he's draped in, and then he shifts his own perch to lay across the chair sideways, legs dangling off the side.

Reno wrinkes his nose and frowns blinking to Loki looking for all the world he might shrink into the seat. A knee pulls up. His head tilts one way andd then the other, jsut as birdish as always. "Uhhh Lok? What's all this about now. Why…why we worried about the bird?" His eyes squint on the Lord of Mischief. "You okay? I know you got your heart punted a bit. You're no lookin to set me up again? That elf that time? She was crazy news."

Loki shakes his head lightly. "No…no…its selfish. If you had your heart broken too then I wouldn't feel as bad complaining about it." Loki looks the bird over again, then grins faintly. "So, did you say something about making me waffles?"

Reno snorts and just grins ear to ear. "Oooooh shit, boss, time and time again it has. You want consilatory waffles I know the best ones. I'll put the cinnamon in there, an then you put the pecans in there. People think use walnuts but they a lil too earthy. like lil bits of wood. Them pecans though? Ooooh pickyou right up. Trust me. Ibeen through it a bunch. We'll treat it like a hangover."

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