2019-04-30 - In My Mind's Eye


Jean seeks out Piotr's help to get a picture for Hod.

Log Info:

Storyteller: None
Date: Tue Apr 30 02:14:48 2019
Location: X-Men's Base - Medbay

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Jean was in town earlier in the morning for a visit to Shadowcrest. Then back to town to study for finals. Which was first interrupted by one god, and then interrupted by a brawl of gods in Times Square. For the most part, she handled herself just fine. But one of the gods did get in a solid blow with a burning ray of moonlight, which did some damage even through her uniform.

So it was back to the Institute with Jean, in order to get some treatment that wouldn't ask just how she got in this state. While she was waiting, there was a light mental 'knock' for Piotr, asking if he had a minute to come to the infirmary.

It does not take long for Piotr to arrive in the infirmary after the knock. Confusion pulls at his features, as well as concern. "If you had wanted me to visit, I had expected to be when you are better." he points out to the redhead as he makes his way into the infirmary. While he's not in his powerhouse metallic form, he's still a solid six and a half feet plus of solid muscle.

"What has happened? And you are alright?" he asks in worry as he moves to join Jean where she sits, the large man pulling out his own chair to take a seat near her.

"Well usually I'd try to visit in better health," Jean agrees, smile wry. "But, you know. Sometimes things happen. It's all related, actually." She's down to a tank top, which leaves her burned arm free of clothing. A few light dressings are on it at the moment, but it's getting some time to breathe right now.

"So, I've been helping out a Norse god with some problems he's having. But it sort of got complicated when an Egyptian god mistook us for the people who'd killed one of his acolytes. He marked us as oathbreakers, and I finally got that taken care of. But whoever is behind all of this managed to get a couple groups of them going at it in Times Square. I did okay mostly, but one of them got a shot in. But!"

She chuckles, shaking a hand through her hair. "As it happens, Hod managed to get a vision of whoever is behind this. He was able to share it with me, but I have no artistic talents to speak of. Whereas you…"

"When you cause trouble, Jean, at least it is no small trouble." Piotr offers wryly, a smirk touching his features as she regals the story of what happened to her. "Gods?" he lets out a sigh. His lips press into a thin line at her getting in well over her head, but then she has to bring up his artistic abilities.

Color creeps into his cheeks for a fleeting second, he never realized that Jean had actually paid attention to his art. "Da." he finally offers. "So you are wanting to explain this image to me so that I may get it down on canvas?"

"Well, I was thinking we might skip a step," Jean admits. "I took the image from Hod's mind. And if you're amenable, I can put the image in your mind, so that you can put it on paper. Hod needs an image that he can share with others so that we can hopefully find out who's doing this. If we can find out who's behind it, then maybe we can stop all this fighting."

Piotr chews on the inside of his mouth for a moment. "I am not one for usually having people prod around in my head, Jean." he starts off, tone thoughtful and worried. "It is not doubt of your power - it is more - what happens if image gets stuck?" he asks her, as he moves a bit to get comfortable. "I would not want my every waking moment to be occupied by this image, when there are much better ones to be had?"

Jean quirks a brow, smile flickering. "It's not like that," she assures. "And even if I somehow managed to do it that wrong, the professor could easily set it right again. It's more like…Like when you close your eyes and picture something. Or what you see when you're reading a book. It's basically holding up a picture for you, it's just…not an actual picture."

"Ah. Okay." Piotr chuckles. "I am not very good when it comes to.." he taps the side of his head with a faint smirk. "There is a lot of incedible things that you can do that I do not understand, Jean Grey." he points out to her - trying to smoothe the feathers he totally didn't mean to ruffle. "If you feel I can do this, I will be happy to. I will just need to get my drawing pad and pencil and do so when you are ready."

"It's all right," Jean chuckles, shaking her head. "It's all a little odd anyhow. And any help you can give would be appreciated. It's just if I try to do it, then it's going to end up being stick figures, so. That's not going to help locate anyone."

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