2019-04-01 - Introductions


An introduction

Log Info:

Storyteller: None
Date: Mon Apr 1 18:53:50 2019
Location: Xavier's Institute

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It is a cool, crisp day, the kind of early spring day that still feels an edge of winter. The sky is a perfect robin's egg blue with a few little puffy white clouds that move with the wind. High in the sky what at first could be mistaken for a large bird spirals down over the Xavier Institute. But as that figure gets lower sharp eyes might ntoice that it's the wrong shape for a bird. Even lower, and it's plain why Warren Worthington's codename is Angel. That's exactly what the blonde man looks like as he comes in for a light landing on the school's front steps.

Warren isn't the only winged individual currently flying over the Institute grounds right now, as one of the new arrivals didn't come alone. Dani Moonstar is currently riding on a magnificent looking winged stallion, the white horse slowly circling around and coming in for a trotting landing not too far from Warren. Dani, for her part, is just wearing the school uniform instead of anything more Asgardian as she waves, "Greetings!"

Warren folds his wings behind his back, holding them loose and comfortably as upposed to when he tucks them tight to hide them under a coat. There's no reason to hide them, here. Warren smiles a bemused smile as he takes in the flying horse. He shakes his head as he walks closer, saying, "You know, I never know what I'm going to see around this place, but I admit a flying horse is a surprise. Usually I'm one whose wings stand out." He puts up a hand in greeting, though he doesn't get close enough to make it a handshake, not with her up on the horse. "I'm Warren."

Dani slides off the horse with practiced ease, riding him bareback, which… well, considering it's a flying horse, seems a touch risky. She nods to him, her accent a bit… odd, almost like an Asgardian with the cadence in some ways, "Well met, I'm Danielle, but everyone I know calls me Dani. I just arrived here at Midg… er, the Institute." With that, she offers her hand to shake.

Warren's handshake is firm, but he doesn't make it a contest of strength, just a solid greeting. He offers a bright smile as he pulls back his hand. "Nice to meet you, Dani." Not having interacted with enough Asgardians to immediately place the accent, he doesn't react to it. The Institute gets students from all over the world, after all. "Hope you and your… friend here are settling in well." He gestures to the horse, "Magnificent animal."

Dani smiles, "Yes, Brightwind is rather special. Sadly, he also knows it." With that, the horse snickers a bit, looking somewhat indignant as Dani adds, "Well, you do know it, but don't worry, I'll get you some apples with dinner tonight." She then turns back towards Warren, and nods, "Settling in rather well, I'm from here. Well, not from here. From Colorado. But close enough." Well, compared to other planes of existence anyway…

Warren chuckles at the exchange etween horse and rider, then raises an eyebrow at her comment of being from "here". "I guess Colorado isn't that far in the scheme of things. But the Institute can be its own little world at times. AT least, that's what it feels like. But it's a good place." He eyes the horse for a moment, "Though I think this is the first time it's needed a stable. "

Dani hmms, "Yeah, suppose so, though I think there were some on the grounds that were just not in use." She pauses, "Well, I grew up in Colorado, then I got ah… bounced to Asgard for a few years. Became a Valkyrie, saved my parents, and wound up back here." A wry look is given to Warren at that, "It's definitely been an experience."

Warren's eyebrows raise in an expression halfway between surprised and impressed. "That's… impressive. And I suppose it explains the flying horse. And here I was thinking he was something you made with a power somehow." Warren shakes his head, "That's what I get for making assumptions. Me I just ended up here after these…" he spreads his wings for a moment, "… grew. You must be pretty impressive for them to have made you a Valkyrie.

Dani chuckles and shrugs a bit, "It's not that, well, for Valkyries, the horse picks the rider. And when I showed up, well, Brightwind picked me." The horse nickers again, and Dani shoots the horse a wry look, "Gee, thanks." She then looks back over at Warren, "Still though, nothing quite like having wings of your own. You've been here a while, then?"

Warren answers "Long enough to graduate and move on. I just come back from time to time to take care of some business and see some friends. Besides, it's just about the only place I can spread my wings without worrying about who sees me. Being a mutant is no secret, and no shame, around here."

Dani nods, "Yeah, that was… a little surprising when I came back, and um, I guess I never really noticed it before. With my being a mutant and all." She shrugs a bit, "Still learning how to use it, never really had much of a need to in Asgard all that much."

Warren says, "Some of us are luckier than others in that regard, but I admit I'm kind of surprised. I would think the Asgardians would have had you using whatever powers you've got." He shakes his head, "Then again, I guess if they had, you wouldn't be here now.""

Dani hmms, "Well, I did use my powers sometimes there, but it's not exactly easy. I mean, it can be easy, it depends on the situation. Lots of lessons in swordfighting and combat and escorting the dead, not so many on 'best use of your mutant powers'." She shrugs a bit, "And, well, I am from Midgard, as much of a refuge Asgard was for me, it wasn't the same."

Warren answers, "Well, you're back now, and in the right place to learn." He pauses and takes a moment to look Dani over, then offers his most charming smile, "So, if you don't mind me asking, what's your power? Wild guess, it's something physical if you could go toe to toe with Asgardians."

Dani hrmms, then flexes her bicep. It's pretty impressive, but far from superhuman, and she grins. "No, though that would have been nice. Oh, I can communicate with animals, and generate illusions. Basically manifestations of someone's worst fears. Which can be handy in a fight. The illusions, that is."

Warren smiles again, 'I stand corrected. As for me, you already saw what I do. Which would probably be more impressive if you didn't have a horse that did the same thing." He smiles, "It's been nice to meet you, Dani." He turns towards the mansion, "I should take care of what I came for."

Dani nods and waves, "Good to meet you Warren. I'm sure I'll see you around." With that, Dani pats Brightwind on the neck, and they walk around the back… probably to the aforementioned stables.

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