2019-03-24 - Emigration Woes


Starfire decides that she needs an attourney to help with the emigration process, and visits Jennifer to see if she can help.

Log Info:

Storyteller: None
Date: Mon Mar 25 13:18:14 2019
Location: RP Room 1

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Kori Anderson, High School Student At Large, has a unique sort of life situation. Socially, she's an exchange student attending Midtown High for her senior year, hailing from Malta. On her SHIELD paperwork, however, she's a refugee from a distant galactic sector. One of many worlds devastated by war or famine with victims fleeing in all directions at hyperspace speeds.

That doesn't make the immigration process any easier, particularly for someone still learning how to read English. The complex jargon and careful language of Immigratiosn and Customs Enforcement defies the sensibilities of many Americans, let alone people actually trying to put themsevles through the process.

So Kori sits in the waiting room outside of Jen Walter's office, a little bookbag on her lap and held with both hands. Hip-hugging distressed blue jeans with a calf-high cuff are matched with a cream-yellow silk blouse sporting subtle red flowers on it. Her shoes are low cream-colored pumps with a black toe point. Unlike most Gen-Z, the redhead isn't sitting with her nose buried in her phone. She's lost in thought, staring blankly at the far wall with a vacant smile on her face.

Being a rather famous activist, advocate, and lawyer for powered people doesn't exactly do much to pay the bills, which would explain why she doesn't actually have a front desk person in her rather small lobby. Having just moved to New York, and just set up her office, all of the furniture is barely used, and the place has that new office smell, that of the plastic the chairs came in, and a slight whiff of paint.

Out on the front desk, where a person would be, there's a sign that says, "Please help yourself to some coffee, and take a seat. I'll be with you shortly." Sitting right next to that is a Keureg with a variety of different k-cups to choose from, some sugar and sweetner and that awful powdered creamer that tastes nothing like cream but everybody pretends it is anyway.

When Kori walked in, there was an audible *BONG* alerting Jen that she had a visitor. "I'll be out in a minute!" she calls through her door. There's some rustling of paper, the sound of a file cabinet opening and shutting, and then footsteps before the door opens.

Jen is dressed smartly, in a fitted charcoal grey business suit with a nice blouse underneath and some simple gold chains hanging around her neck. The suit would /have/ to be fitted since she's six and a half feet tall, and green. Green eyes settle onto the teen, and a friendly smile graces her lips and she says, "Hello! Come in, come in!" She makes waving motions to inside her office. Noticing that the girl didn't get any coffee she offers, "Can I get you some water?"

Kori stands up smoothly when Jen walks in. At least this is one person who isn't going to gawk at Jen and make a joke about Jolly Green Giants— the redhead is at least as tall as Miss Walters, though nowhere near as bulked. "Hello Miss Walters!" Kori says, beaming in delight. "I am sure you can get me some coffee, but I do not wish to have any and I worry your efforts would be wasted," she says. Her smile is polite enough to take her response as a literal statement rather than an attempt at condescenscion.

She walks right up to Jen and outthrusts a straight arm for a pompous, deliberate handshake. "I am Kori Anderson," she says. "It is very good to make of you the acquaintancing!"

She follows Jen into her office and stands in front of the desk, holding her bookbang in front of her thighs with both hands. "This is a very fine office," she compliments Jen. "It smells of strong solvents and cleaners. I have been told this is a 'good smell'," she explains.

Jennifer Walters doesn't blink an eye at the outthrust arm, and takes it giving it a warm, friendly shake. "Good to meet you, Miss Anderson," she says, closing the door behind them once they're in the room proper.

Jennifer's office is much like waiting room outside. New everything. A nice, big rosewood desk is the centerpiece of the room, and a comfortable executive chair sits behind it. A pair of chairs are on the opposite side of the desk, looking no less comfortable, and a leather couch is sitting off to one side. There's a pair of wooden framed filing cabinets sitting behind her desk, next to a window that gives them a wonderful New York view of the office in the building next door. It doesn't look like any shades have been installed yet.

Jen makes her way around to her side of the desk, and motions at one of the chairs. "Please sit, and tell me how I may help you."

Kori sits dutifully once invited, bag on her lap and held neatly in both hands. "I am in the process of emigrating from my home and moving to America," she says promptly. "There is a great deal of paperwork that the government requires from me. Some of it is very confusing! I have been attemtping to fulfill the requirements on my own. But my English is not very good," she explains, a statement at odds with her sunny disposition and clear diction. "The way the words are written on the forms is very confusing. I called the Enforcement of Immigrations and Customs for assistance and I was told 'this is an emergency line for reporting drug smugglers, how did you get this number'," she explains. "This confused me. I called my case worker later and she said 'You need a lawyer, I cannot do the helping of you'," Kori explains.

"I saw your advertisement on the side of the subway! 'Jennifer Walters, Attorney at Law'," she recites. "Then I looked up what an attorney is and realized that you are *better* than a lawyer. A super-lawyer! And you do work with the mutants and the metahumans. I thought you would be willing to assist me in the paperworkings."

Jennifer Walters sits once she makes sure that her guest is properly seated, and folds her hands on her desk, nodding as she listens. When Kori mentions calling ICE and their response a heavy, exasperated sigh leaves her, but she recovers, and recomposes herself quickly. She grins, pleased at the mention of the subway ad. That had cost her a pretty penny and it's good to see that it's paying off!

Jennifer scowls a bit when Kori explains what she needs of her and nods. "Well. Thank you for coming in, and I'm sorry our government is giving you a hard time. Unfortunately, I'm a defense attorney. If you happen to be arrested, and are a powered person, I can help advocate for you in court. Emigration law is not something I'm well versed in, though I picked up some bits and pieces from my colleagues down in Washington." She looks at Kori for a moment thoughtfully, before asking, "Did they say why you needed a lawyer?"

Jen's careful equivocation goes right over Kori's head. "Yes! Defense! I need defense against the ICE rules," she agrees, wagging her chin. "Or offense. The best defense is a good offense, but I am not sure how I would use offensive tactics against Customs and Immigration Enforcement," she tells Jen. "A frontal attack on their headquarters? But that would be rude, and I believe illegal," the woman observes.

"On the other hand, perhaps there is a gladiatorial option!" Kori brightens at the idea. "Yes, I could challege them to a duel or a writ of combat. Are you solely for the defensive attorney-ing, or offensive attorney-ing as well? Do I need an offensive attorney for such a thing? I believe I would need a 'second' if I understand the parlance of the duel system for this country. xI do not know what a second is, but everyone insists they are very necessary." She leans forward with wide, hopeful green eyes. "Would *you* be my second in such a scenario?!"

"I…. I think there's some misunderstanding here," Jennifer says, trying not to wince. Or laugh. She's not really sure which one she wants to do. "I….." Think, Jennifer, think! "Where did you say you came from again?

"I did not say!" Kori says, cheerily. "If that is helpful to you, then I shall tell you." She reaches into her bag for a little billfold and produces a state ID card. She carefully compresses it a specific way and the hologram resets itself to reveal a SHIELD-issued alien visa.

Like, real alien. Not 'over the border for college' alien.

"I am from the planet Kuraq in the Vega star system," Kori explains. "There was an interstellar war there relatively recently. My family was persecuted for our alliances and I was forced to depart in great haste with terrorists pursuing me," she tells Jen. "Now I am here on Earth! It has taken me many of your years to come here but I enjoy this planet as I have few other places!"

Jennifer Walters leans forward and her brows furrow as Kori adjusts her ID card. She peers at it and then grins widely. "Hey, that's neat. Never seen one of them before. Heard about them, but never in person." She settles back down in her chair as the alien explains, steepling her fingers in thought.

"Hunh. Well. That explains…. well… everything. I'm glad you made it here in one piece." Her brows furrow further as she thinks, swinging back and forth gently in her chair. "I take it you have a contact in SHIELD? Did you go to them about this? I'd think that they'd be better equipped to handle this than I am."

"I have been, but SHIELD and ICE work in different capacities," Kori explains. "SHIELD only monitors aliens and inprocesses us after determining if we are dangerous or under warrants from our origin homes. ICE is responsible for immigration," she clarifies. "So I have been told that 'this is not my lane' by several SHIELD agents I have approached. I do not understand what bowling has to do with my problem." She frowns heavily.

The groan that escapes from Jennifer is one of somebody who is used to dealing with the infinite shuffle of responsibilities that only government agencies seem to accomplish. "I…." she says, lost in thought. She can't tell this poor girl that she can't help. She's been told that too many times already.

She comes to a conclusion. Leaning forward on her desk she meets the girls eyes. "Okay. I'll help. I'm not exactly sure /how/, mind you, but I'll see what I can do. I know a few people who I worked with who would know better than I would how to proceed, so I'll give them a call."

She scootches her chair back so she can get out, and pulls open one of the drawers in the filing cabinet and pulls out a sheet of paper. "Okay. I need you to fill this out. It's just a contact information sheet so I know how to contact you and…" she opens and rummages around in a drawer in her desk until she pulls out a business card. "And here's how you can reach me."

"Oh joy! I am so grateful for your help!" Kori says, and lets go of her bookbag to bounce once in her seat and applaud rapidly. She accepts the paperwork from Jen and starts writing on it. Her handwriting is… kinda crude. Almost more appropriate for a child than an adult. "I have the cellular phone *and* the electronic mails," Kori tells Jen. "So contacting me is very easy."

She looks up at Jen, then at the card, then at Jen. Her expresssion grows quizzical, but she reaches cautiously over, takes the card, and rests it against the back of Jen's hand.

"I… believe I could have reached you without the piece of paper, but you are kind to offer it anyway," Kori tells Jen, diplomatically.

Must…. not…. facepalm. "No," Jen says gently. "I meant that my contact information is on this card. My email and my phone number so you can contact me should you need to." She takes the business card and passes it back to Kori before taking the sheet of paper once the girl is done with it.

She looks it over, once, to make sure all the information is there. "Okay. Good. I should be in touch…" she stops herself. "I mean, I'll call you within a week and let you know what I've found out." She stands up and walks over to Kori's side of the desk. "It's been a pleasure meeting you and I hope the rest of your stay isn't as frustrating."

"I am very grateful for the help, Miss Jennifer Walters," Kori tells the green-skinned lawyer. She beams a smile and hugs her bookbag to her chest with both hands again. "You have made me feel much less apprehensive. I hope to hear from you soon!" She ducks her head in a strange little suggestion of a bow, and then turns and walks out of Jen's office with a surprisingly light step.

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